PART II: Reunited

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"How long have we been in this stupid boxcart?" I asked, sliding down the wall.

"By my accounts, 4 days," Andrew replied, banging his head off the inside of the cart.

"4 days too many," Steven replied, pulling Lauren closer to him.

Back to acting, I thought. I looked to Lauren and paused for a second. Robert moved the camera around and I seen the lens move around, closing up on my face.

"Wait, where's Beth?"

"AND CUT!" Robert yelled. We all sighed a began hugging each other.

"Whoooo!" Steven yelled, highfiving Dad with both hands. Mom emerged from over by Robert and she and Dad both pulled me into a tight hug.

"First day filming with the big leagues," Dad said, shaking my shoulder a little, making me blush.

"You were average," I said, pushing him on the shoulder.

"Forgot you were Little Miss Hollywood," he replied, messing up my hair.

"Scene 2, take 1, ACTION!"

I wander over to Dad. He's sat down on the floor, scraping the ground with a stone.

"Hi," I said. He looks up to me coldly. This was so weird. "May I sit down?"

"Sure," he said, slapping his hands together to get rid of the dust on his hands.

"I'm Cleo," I said, reaching my hand out. I had to hold it there so Robert to blur everything out but Dad's hand reaching in and shaking it.


I looked down to the ground where he was drawing. There was angels wings, bows and a love heart with CP written inside it.

"Who's CP?" I asked, running my finger round the heart. Everyone turned round and Dad looked to the ground.

"Cut! That'll do us for today," Robert said. We'd been there eight hours and I had no idea quite how tiring it would be working on the cast.

"Let's go," I said, nudging Chandler. He smiled instantly and threw me a miniature bottle of water. He and I decided to walk back to the apartment. He'd been filming with Hana since that night in Rome. He landed and was straight to set.

"God I've missed you so much," he said, lifting me up as soon as everyone had drove away. He spun me round and dropped me on my feet, putting his arm round my shoulder.

"I've missed you too," I said, kissing him on the cheek. He fluffed his fringe up a little and guided me down the backroad. "When do you leave again?"

"Tomorrow," he sighed. "I'd love it if you came with me but... you know."

I did know. I completely refused to go near Hana Hayes. Not after her almost ruining Chandler and I. I nodded and looked to the ground.

"I want you to come to a Comic Con with me," he added. I looked up to him and smiled.


"Of course!"

"That'd be so awesome, I'd love to," I replied as he slotted his hands into mine. Oh those hands.

"I have one soon, Kyla and Laurie will be there."

"Well, I can't say no to that," I smiled, swing our hands back and forth.

We sat down at a pond in the centre of town and Chandler lay his jacket down for me to sit on like the gentleman he is. We were away from the public in a hidden park behind the main one. He pulled a bar of chocolate from his back pocket and sat it down. The sun was setting but it wasn't one of 'those' moments.

"I could drop out of the film," he said, looking in my eye. I laughed a little.

"Don't be silly," I laughed, putting my head on his shoulder. He put his arms round me and kissed the back of my head.

"If you want me to I will. It's never to late. I will for..."

I quickly kissed him on the mouth, my hands on his cheeks. I slid my left hand to the back of his head a pulled off quickly.

"I'll take that as a no," he said, panting a little. I nodded back, biting my lip and looking to the ground, moving a bit of hair behind my ear. "Come here you."

He pushed me down and kissed, his body over mine. One held his neck, and I stroked it softly, and the other pushed against his collarbone as he kissed me. When we finally stopped, darkness was all around and he rolled beside me, wrapping the jacket around my shoulders.

"You know when you do that lip thing I can't control myself."

"Easy tiger," I said back, looking up into those tidal blue eyes that help me fall in love with him all over again everyday. My phone vibrated.

'Daddy Normsky 🚬'

We're at the park. Meet us there and you can get a ride home. Love ya x

Dad had obviously changed his named since last time I checked.

"We're getting a lift home," I said, pulling him up to his feet. He did a cute little jump as he got up.

"Thanks for the offer but I gotta watch Gray play soccer," he said. I immediately got sad.

"When will I see you again?" I asked.

"Couple days. FaceTime me?"

"Of course I will," I said. He hugged me tightly, more like a friend than anything, and ran his finger down my face and onto my jaw. I looked up to him and he stole a final kiss.

"I love you Skye," he whispered. I couldn't say anything, I was going to miss him so much. "Don't cry. Don't you dare cry, I'll be home before you know it."

He looked at his watch and told me he had to go. I still held onto his hand while he began to run, our tips pressed out, and watched him go. What made things a little brighter was that the chocolate had melted onto the bum of his jeans.

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