christmas / new year (3/3)

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For six days, I didn't see Chandler. For six days he ignored my texts and calls. For six days he did not answer the door. And for 6
5 days, I cried a lot. I didn't feel dependant on the force that was Chandler Riggs until now. In fact, he annoyed the living hell out of me. Just, him not being there made my chest hurt and my throat swell. I'd do something or see something and frantically scan the room, beady eyed, to see his cute little reaction, but he wasn't there. Not even Mingus knew where he was. On the fourth day, when my head was burrowed into my pillow, a knock came.


"Sorry," Emily said as she pushed the door a little. "Just me and Laur. We have cake."

"Oh, come in," I said, wiping the corners of my eyes.

"What's up?" Lauren asked.

"Nothing, it's silly," I said.

"You miss Chandler?" Emily asked.

"A lot," I laughed. "I know it's stupid you know, crying over a boy, but I just miss him so much."

Emily and Lauren looked at each other and smirked a little.

"It's completely normal," Emily said. She lay a copy of her album 'Expired Lover' on my bed. "Bit of shameless self promotion but give this a listen. Norman has the other album."

"Are you coming to the party on New Years?" Lauren asked, stroking my hair.

"I'll see," I mumbled.

On the fifth day I finally made it out my room.

"Hey it's a miracle!" Norman laughed.

"Shut up Dad," Mingus said. "How you feeling."

I shrugged.

"Today's script day, right?" I asked.

"Here you go," Norman said handing me my package. "I got a little bacon left. Want some?"

"Nah," I sighed. I just dragged myself back to bed and read my script.

'Dear Skye, don't worry, no singing; for now! - AMC'

I flipped through but couldn't set my mind on it. I simply threw it to the side and began to listen to Emily's album. It was pretty good, in my opinion.

On the sixth day, Norman had enough. He stormed into my room and pulled my covers off me and opened the curtains. He took my iPad out my grip, my cell phone from the side table and my laptop.

"Give me those back!" I yelled. He stormed off and into his room. "Dad!"

He pushed his balcony door open.

"I don't give shit, I'll drop it without a second though."

"Dad! What do you want?"

"For you to stop," he sighed. He put the appliances on the ground and held me close. "He's just a boy."

"I know," I sighed. "Just a boy."

"A stupid, smelly boy," he laughed. I sat on the bed.

"I miss him," I said.

"I know sweetcheeks," he said, pinching my cheeks. "I don't like seeing you upset."

"Where is he Dad?"

"I don't know Skye, if I did, I'd of told you by now. Do you know that it's 4pm?"

"No," I mumbled. I may or may not of stayed up all night on Netflix.

"Party's in two hours," he said. "Ye up for it?"

"Not really," I said.

"Oh, that's a pity," he said. "Pity because you're coming either way. You've not seen Mel in four days Skye. She's worried sick. Dropped in eight times but you've been asleep every time."

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