after party

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Chandler and I walked to Norman's car. Mingus, Norm and Melissa all lagged back, making sure Mingus was alright.

"I can't even see them anymore," I mumbled. We'd been standing out in the cold for five minutes now and little goosepumps covered my skin. Chandler sighed, jumping onto the bonnet. I'm surprised the car alarm didn't go off at the force he landed.

"There's a space with your name written on it," he smirked. In the dirt, 'Skye' was written. "He needs to wash his car more often."

Chandler pulled me on the bonnet and we lay down, staring into the sky. He frantically pointed to the sky.

"Look! Look," he said.

"What?" I asked, looking in the direction his finger pointed.

"See those stars?" he asked.

"There's a lot of them," I said.

"Well those ones with the two long lines coming out of it? That's the cancer constellation."

"Not just a pretty face," I laughed, turning to face him.

"Wow, look!" he said. As cliché as it is, a shooting star zoomed across the canvas of the sky. "Quick, make a wish."

I closed my eyes. I didn't need to wish for anything. I had it all in front of me.

"Did you make one?" I asked him.

"Yeah," he smirked. "It's dumb."

"Tell me," I said, poking his side.

"Nah, nevermind," he said.

"What is it that makes stars so romantic?" I sighed, putting my arms behind my head.

"Doubt thou the stars are fire, doubt that the sun doth move, doubt truth to be a liar but never doubt that I love, William Shakespeare," he smirked.

"When did you become a little Albert Einstein?" I asked.

"Always have been," he winked.

"What are you doing up there?" Andrew asked. We both turned round. "Get down, Norm'll kill you."

Chandler slid down and took my hands as I slid down.

"Just a bit of stargazing," Chandler said, smirking in my direction. Andrew blushed.

"I'm intruding, aren't I?" he awkwardly laughed.

"No,no," I insisted.


"Chandler!" I scolded. "Don't be rude."

"Where's you Dad?" Andrew asked.

"Back there," I said, throwing my thumb over my shoulder.

"I'm gonna go help him, is he with Ming?"


He ran off as soon as I replied. Seconds later, Norman and Andrew appeared from the shadows, carrying Mingus.

"Let's get this show on the road!" Norman said, unlocking the car. We drove off to the place that the after party was being held. Past actors and actresses were dotted around the inside. I stayed close to Melissa.

"You're going to behave tonight, aren't you?" Melissa whispered.

"Yes Mom," I replied.

"Good," she smiled, patting my head. "Go wild."

Norman had insisted Mingus be in the wheelchair, much to his disagreement, so Chandler and I walked around with him in tow. We turned up to the bar and there sat Scott and Jeffery DeMunn. My mouth dropped a little.

m'lady [Mingus Reedus // Chandler Riggs FanFic]Where stories live. Discover now