meeting the cast

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I woke up at 7:00 and was ready by 7:30, thank goodness I had my clothes set out and my hair done the night before. It's kind of a ritual for me. Reid and Xander had to come with us too. The production team are paying accommodation for mom, Reid, Xander and I until we find out if dad can get employment in Atlanta. Plus, getting a plane from Toronto to Atlanta everyday would be, above all, pricey. Reid was forced to apologies to me by dad. I accepted and hugged dad tightly.

"Do us proud kiddo," he said. "And don't forget to be studying your Latin!"

We drove to the airport, which was 10 minutes away, and waited half an hour before we boarded, First Class of course. It was a two hour flight and a limo met us outside the building with 3 of the executive producers waiting for us. They shook all of our hands, even Xander who bashfully hid behind mom, and let us enter first.

"Hi Skye, it's a pleasure to meet you," a lady greeted me. "Gale Hurd"

"No, no, the pleasure is all mine! I'm ecstatic to meet everyone!" I gushed. A man leaned over to me.

"Robert Kirkman," he said. "I didn't write Skye in the comic series but your characters definitely going to shake the series up beautifully!"

"I thought I recognised your name," Reid said. "I'm a huge fan of the comic series!"

"I'm glad to hear it buddy," Robert kindly replied, shaking his hand. The third person, a pretty quiet guy sat in the corner. He had awesome, long hair.

"I love your hair," I said. He laughed.

"Thanks kid," he said, still chucking away. "I'm Gregory, you'll see me all around the set, there isn't a job I don't do in this whole damn show."

"Can't wait to see you around, Gregory."

We arrived at the studio swiftly after my incounter with Gregory. I walked closely next to Gale. Mom was busy pulling Xander along and Reid had been talking to Robert since the handshake. I was beyond nervous to be joining a group of people who've been together 2010, people who know eachothers quirks and defaults and have learned to love like a family. That's what a cast should be like, like a family. I entered the studio and Gale told my mom and brothers to stay in the foyer area. I followed Gale to a 'Green Room.'

"Guys, I have someone I'd like you to meet," she said, opening the door. The whole cast were spread round the the room on leather couches, in their normal everyday clothes. I was met with an array of greetings. Andrew Lincoln was first up to actually greet me. I reached my hand out but he hugged me.

"Welcome to the family, Skye," he said. Steven Yeun was next.

"Nice to meet you newbie," he joked.

"I'm Norman," Norman Reedus said, he too hugged me.

"I know who you are," I playfully replied.

"This is my boy, Mingus," he said. His son waved from the corner. He was pretty cute, defined face and gorgouse blonde hair. Lauren Cohan and Emily Kinney snapped me out of the stare.

"Finally, another girl on set!" they said, as they individually hugged me. Mellisa McBride approached me next.

"I'm so excited to be working with you Skye!" She smiled.

"And I to be with you," I cheerfully replied. David Morrisey and Scott Wilson came along.

"Don't be startled," David laughed. "I'm not all bad." I hugged him. I hugged Scott, who seemed pretty bored. Chandler came over.

"Great to have another kid on set," he smiled, hugging me. "A hot one of that," he whispered into my ear.

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