daddy / denmark

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"But if you both go, where will I stay?" I moaned as Melissa began to pack.

"With Andrew," she said. "Or Laurie. Maybe Lauren. Anyone. I don't know Skye."

"I want to come see my brother," I childishly said, stomping my feet.

"Oi, enough of that!" Norman said. Andrew managed to calm him down an get him in the hotel. "You can come see him in a few days but not just now."

"Why are you even going Mel?" I asked out of spite. She looked at Norman who hastily replied for her.

"The others are all busy," he replied.

"Oh yeah, I'm sure Scott is busy," I said, lying on the bed. They joined me, one side each.

"We don't want you to see Mingus in a bad state, okay?" Norman said. "We just want what's best for you."

"Please Daddy," I moaned, curling up onto his chest. He hoisted me onto him and put his arm round Melissa.

"I don't know Skye," Melissa said. She looked up to Norman.

"If you come, it's going to be a tough time," he said. "Will you be able to handle it?"

"I just want to be there for my big brother, that's all," I said, beginning to tear up. Norman put his hand on my face and tugged Melissa in closer. I lay my head on his chest and moved up with the pattern of his exhaling. Melissa had herself curled up next to Norman who had his arm on the bumps of her spine. I shut my eyes as the room fell into a silence. As I drifted off I felt Norman kiss Melissa on the head and softly whisper something in her ear.


I woke up and I was still perched upon Norman. Melissa was wrapped around Norman's arm. I tapped Norman on the nose. He wrinkle it a little and grumbled.

"We fell asleep," I whispered into his ear. He darted up, giving Melissa a fright.

"Wow there," he said, grabbing her before she could hit the floor. "I gotcha. I've always gotcha."

I put two feet on the ground and looked out the window. The sun was creeping it's way through the clouds.

"Better get to the airport," Melissa said. "Where's my travel mug?"

"Over here," Norman said, throwing it to her. She boiled the kettle as the two of us got changed. All my stuff was packed anyways. I never unpack. What's the point in getting comfortable in a limited reality?

"Normie," Melissa said. He responded a little. He was rubbing his eyes. His elbows were relaxed on his open knees. "Go get change sweetie. Go on. We'll get you in the foyer."

He gormlessly strolled out the door.

"Okay," Melissa said. "I feel like you should know what condition Mingus is in before we take you to Denmark."

"Okay," I said. "Shoot."

"He's took a blow to the skull, a spinal injury. His hip dislocated and his collar bones are both broken and sprained. There will be a bunch of surgeries and he'll be in a wheelchair for little over a year."

It was worse thank expected. My poor little Minggy. I nodded.

"You still want to come?" she asked. I nodded. "If it becomes too much, Andrew will pick you up from the airport again."

I nodded. I was speechless. Mingus was sitting, probably unconscious, in a hospital bed, all bandaged up and, frankly, dying. We met Norman in the foyer and Andrew, Chandler and Laurie were standing. They hugged us all.

m'lady [Mingus Reedus // Chandler Riggs FanFic]Where stories live. Discover now