interview (part 1)

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Robert was eager to introduce me to the public. I was more than ready. The story of Norman and Melissa fostering me had been swirling round the papers. Rumours like they were dating, that they were getting married stole the front cover of many tabloid magazines. It'd be an interview with me, Scott, Melissa, Norman, David, Andrew, Robert & Chandler, so I wouldn't feel 'too daunted'. We were asked by the people holding the interview to wear something associated with the show.

"I have nothing!" I said, when Norman told me over breakfast.

"We'll find ya something, don't worry," he said, prancing around in shirtless, eating a bowl of cereal. There was a knock on the front door. I've lived here for two days now and it's amazing how casual it is. Norman literally just walks around in basketball shorts and eats cereal. Norman lives in New York normally but there's a hidden community in Atlanta that's a block of apartments. Almost like a little complex. Some of the wealthiest people in America own an apartment in here. No one who lives in one of the apartments can get in without the person they're visiting knowing so they can be let in.

"I'll get it!" Mingus said, running down from the very end of the hall. He pulled the door open. It was Chandler.

"Morning Riggs," Norman shouted from the table. He hadn't even seen who was here yet. He pulled on a dressing gown, coated with white paint and mud stains, and sat down. Mingus and Chandler walked in. Chandler's eyes met me as a sat in a pair of Hollister shorts and Norman's white polo shirt on.

"What are you doing here?" he asked, casually picking up a slice of toast from the plate Norman put in the middle.

"She lives with us," Mingus said. The way Mingus said it rubbed it, in Chandler's face, in a childish way. Chandler's face dropped. There was a short silence.

"I live right across the hall," he said, quickly. "It'll be good to have another kid in the block."

"Go grab what you're taking to the interview with ya and come back, I'll go get dressed," Norman said to Chandler.

"Norman, I don't have anything to wear," I mumbled.

"I'll get you something, don't worry," Chandler said. "C'mon Ming."

I went upstairs and pulled on a pair of light blue, high waisted jeans and a pair of low top white converse. I had my hair in a messy, fishtail plait the night before so when I pulled it out, it went all wavy. I sprayed it with sea-salt spray and stood uncomfortably in front of the mirror. There was a light knock on the door.

"Who is it?" I asked.

"It's just me," Mingus replied. I pulled the door a little and took the shirt from him. It was black and had 'The Walking Dead' in red letters on the front. I pulled it up to my nose and smelt the scent of Chandler. The aroma was breath taking.

"Skye, you ready?" Chandler yelled, breaking me from the trance.

"Yeah, sure," I said. The shirt was long sleeved and was far too long, but it'd do. They were waiting at door.

"Don't got all day," Norman said. "Guess that's what my life'll be like now I have a little girl." I swallowed the saliva in my mouth. I was so thrilled he referred to me as his 'little girl' but at the same time it, made me really miss my dad.

"All she's wearing in a long sleeved shirt and she looks phenomenal," Chandler whispered to Mingus. He wasn't a very good whisperer. Mingus slyly nodded his head.

We left left the complex and drove to a little bar in the centre of Atlanta. We sat down and had a quick drink, non alcoholic for the boys and I of course, before we set off for the interview. Melissa came in late, as usual, and greeted me first.

"You doing okay sweetheart?" she asked, hugging me tightly.

"Yeah," I replied. She lightly kissed me on the cheek before she went off to everyone else. Chandler looked over to me.

"Is it weird?" he asked.

"Is what weird?" I replied, taking a sip from my straw.

"A week ago you were just some girl who had a minor role in a film, living with a dysfunctional family and now you've got the lead role in critically acclaimed TV series and living with Norman Reedus?"

I stopped and thought for a second.

"Good weird, I'm a lot happier," I truthfully replied.

"And d'you know what must be the coolest part of it all," Chandler said.


"Me being your best friend," he cheekily winked.

"Shut it Riggs, Ming is my best friend," I said, leaning over to him.

"Mingus is your brother, I'm your best friend," he said, getting defensive. He gets all pouty when you tease him.

"Okay Chandler," I said, giving into him. His eyes lit up a little when I admitted it it, Chandler really was one of my best friends.

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