court day / a day in with chandler and mingus (part 3/3)

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We walked into the town centre. It took us an hour. It was brilliant. We literally laughed the whole time. When we reached the centre, Mingus and Chandler stayed close to me.

"Where's the nearest Starbucks?" I casually asked.

"Round the corner," Mingus reassured, keeping his head down.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Over there, paparazzi," Chandler said, pointing to a bunch of men stood outside the bank.

"How can you be sure?" I asked.

"Do they look like tourists to you?" Chandler asked

"Shut up," Mingus said, sticking up for me. We dodged them, and walked into Starbucks. When we entered, nobody noticed us, thankfully, but when we got to the counter the young girl jaw sat ajar.

"You're you're you're," she said, trying to get her words out.

"Chandler Riggs?" Chandler suggested.

"Oh my god, yes, uhuh," she said.

"Would you like to take a picture or?" Chandler offered.

"Please, yes, oh god," she said, fumbling around for her phone. She handed it to me.

"You'rs Skye Monroe!"

"I am yes," I said. "This is Mingus Reedus." I didn't want him to feel left out either. She handed her phone to her co-worker and she took a picture with the three of us.

"Can we have three chocolate mocha cookie crumbles?" Chandler asked.

"Of course, on the house!"

"You don't have to do that," I said.

"No, I want to," she said. She wrote all our names down on the cups and we waited along the bench.

"Shall we sit upstairs?" Mingus suggested. I checked my phone for the time. We had forty minutes to kill.

"Sure," I said. "Why not."

We headed upstairs and sat down on brown, leather chairs.

"Oh no," Chandler said as a group of girls spotted him. "Hold my hand."


"Just do it." He scooped my hand up and walked forward. "They might not bother us if they think we date."

"It's Chandler Riggs!" one of the girls said. I took my hand back.

"I've seen the girl somewhere," the other said.

"Aren't you Norman Reedus' son?" one said to Mingus.

"Yes," the three of us said at the same time.

"Can we get a picture?" one of them begged.

"Sure," Chandler said, sipping his drink and asking a lady sitting with a book to take a picture. We all smiled and the girls hugged Chandler and Mingus as I sat down.

"Do you get that a lot?" I asked Chandler.

"More than you'd think," he mumbled. "I wish it was less hectic."

"Even I get it sometime," Mingus said.

"Skye, you're gonna need to get used to this because this is what your life will consist of," Chandler said.

"I know, it did before I got hired on The Walking Dead. Hello, I was at last years Oscars," I said.

I checked my watch once more. 2:45.

m'lady [Mingus Reedus // Chandler Riggs FanFic]Where stories live. Discover now