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We had Conan tonight. I was very excited for it. I've not really had a proper televised interview like this before. Plus, Chan will be there. We haven't spoke since Thursday. Too awkward. We passed each other Friday on the way to laundry. He simply smiled and greeted me with 'm'lady'. He hasn't done that in a while.

"C'mon Skye, gotta go to catch a plane already!" Norman yelled. Conan films in LA, right outside of Universal Studios. "Go get Riggs and we'll get you in the car."

I hesitantly knocked on Chandler's door. I had his shirt on from that day all those months ago.

"Bye mom," he yelled. "Nice shirt m'lady."

We go through the same routine thing everytime.

"It's all I have," I replied. "Let's go, Norman is waiting."

We walked to the elevator and entered it. I pushed ground floor and grabbed me by the waist. I felt his hot breath on my neck as he kissed it.

"I missed you," he whispered, still stuck down at my neck.

"I missed you too," I replied, stroking the back of his neck. The elevator dinged and he insisted on taking my suitcase. I quickly dabbed my damp neck and jumped into the Range Rover. Melissa was with us. She spent most nights with us, actually. They weren't a couple though. Not officially.

We drove to the airport. Norman was excited but he acted very calm. There was no music and the windows stayed up. Chandler kept looking at me but I didn't turn to him. I knew he was smiling. We entered the airport and ended up running on a tight schedule once we were bombarded with fans. Chandler insisted on holding my hand most of the time so I 'didn't get split up'.

"Can't lose you," he smiled. We boarded the plane with minutes to spare and we were off to LA. Once we were up in the air Chandler instantly began a conversation.

"Are we going to discuss what happen on Thursday or nah?" he asked.

"Maybe we should just leave it," I murmured. "It's too awkward to even think about."

"You're sending me mixed messages here Skye," he replied. "What do you want?"

"I don't know," I sighed, tears starting to form. "I want to be with you but I don't know if I'm ready."

What an idiot, I thought. What a damn right idiot. You want him, Skye, you know you do. You know you're ready as well. You want to grow old with him and experience ever little thing in your life with him by your side. You want to get married, buy a house and have a dog and raise a bunch of kids. You want that more than anything else in this world you. You want him.

"Okay," he said, looking at his feet. "But I'm not giving up Skye. Riggs' don't give up."

With that, he got up and swapped seats with Norman. Here he comes now, he'll give me a lecture about Thursday. I didn't leave my room except for laundry and dinner since then.

"Hey kiddo," he smiled, putting his arm round me. I snuggled into him and smelt his cologne. It made me happy, the smell of him.

"Hey Daddy," I replied. It felt like a good time to say daddy. It just slipped out but I'm glad it did. He coolly exhaled and put his arm on my back.

"What's on your mind sweetcheeks?" he asked.


"Skye," he sternly said. I chuckled a little. He sounded like Mel.

"You sound like my mom," I told him. "Now, you tell me what's on your mind."

"You and Mingus, Mel, my buddy Sean, Eye in the Dark and just how lucky I am," he smiled. "I've very blessed."

"Deep," I said, peering out the window next to me.

"Very," he said. "I know that Chandler's on yours."

"Shut up," I moaned, slapping him on the stomach.

"Look, what ever you and Chandler dec-"

"Dad, stop plea-"

"Hey, lemme finish, what ever you and Chandler decide to do, I'll support you either way okay?"

I nodded. I was glad he would be okay with it. Norman's new to this whole daddy-daughter act and I knew he didn't want to mess it up.

"Now, we're gonna be landing soon so I think we should catch a few zzz's, don't you?"

I nodded, snuggling into Norman's hooding. His huge hands covered me and I felt very safe and secure.


Once we landed, the airport was insane. We got snuck out of it, actually. Our hotel was in Universal Studios. Norman wanted to check out the pool so we went down. Steven, Danai and Lauren flew in two days ago. I got changed into my bikini and Chandler got into his trunks.

"Let's put a picture on Instagram," he said. He's obsessed by Instagram. We took a mirror picture, doing kissy faces.

'Heading down to the pool with @SkyeReedusMCB, feel free to say hi! #universalstudioorlando 👙🌞

We walked through the hotel, I put my shorts and sweater on, and down to the pool. Lauren was sitting contently before she noticed us. She ran over to us and hugged us tightly.

"I'm going in," Chandler said, stoking my waist. I tingled a little as he did it. I watched him move it off, his tips trying to savour the moment. I nodded and smiled.

"Come sit with me," she said, patting the lounger next to her. I slipped onto into and lay back.

"Lauren," I hesitantly said. She looked up to me. I wanted her advice. Her help. "Chandler, Chandler was going to ask me to be his girlfriend."

"I know sweetie," she said, leaning over and playing with my hair. "He told me."

"I bet I look like a fool for putting him down all the time," I frowned.

"Don't feel rushed okay," she smiled. "You'll know when the time is right."

I nodded and thanked her and went off to into the pool. I snuck up him and onto his back.

"Jesus Christ Skye, I thought you were some crazed fan," he laughed looking up to me and shaking his head, the water spraying up onto my face.

"Hey," I moaned. He laughed and tipped me back, making me land in the water. I spit the water out of my mouth and shot after him. He went to a desolate area of the pool and into a corner. I held his shoulders.

"Now my hairs wet," I moaned. He locked me down with his stare.

"I'm not even sorry," he laughed. He leaned in for a kiss. I was going in for it too, I yearned for it, when three splashes surrounded us. He held me close as we waited for the three faces to emerge. Steven, Mingus and Norman.

"What were you gon' do there son?" Norman asked Chandler.

"Nothing," Chandler mumbled. He swam off with Mingus and Steven.

"Why Dad?" I sighed, crossing my arms and pushing his hair out of his eyes.

"I dunno," he chuckled in reply. "Cheer up."

He promptly put me on his shoulders.

"Don't," I yelled and he held my ankles and began to walk. I gripped onto hair for dear life as we made our way out of the desolated area. Steven had Mingus on his shoulders too. Norman and Steven exchanged looks before yelling 'CHARGE' at each other. Next thing I knew, Mingus was fighting to get me off Dad's shoulders. I overpowered him and he fell off Steven.

"Hey," Melissa yelled from the poolside. "Be careful Norman!"

"Sorry," he yelled back. She turned her frown into a smile.

"Come out Skye," she said. "We've got to get you cleaned up for Conan."

m'lady [Mingus Reedus // Chandler Riggs FanFic]Where stories live. Discover now