rome (part 3)

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We had to go back to Walker Stalker Con. Melissa didn't say a word but Norman and Mingus did. They yammered on unfathomable words words about film and basketball. Then, when we were crossing a bridge, Norman lifted me off my feet.

"You gon' in?" he asked, dangling me in the air. I looked down to the waves crashing below and freaked out, grabbing onto him desperately.

"D-D-Dad," I managed to blurt out. Melissa scolded him and I was set promptly on my feet. I pushed his arm a little as I regained some levelheadedness.

"Was hop in' it'd put a smile on her face," he said, poking me on the side and wrapping his arms around me. I looked up to him and smiled, stealing his hat that read 'Because Reedus' and walked over by Mingus.

"You alright?" he asked, trying to look me in the eye. They were else where, staring off to a Ferris wheel that stood dominantly in front of the coral setting sky. Chandler would've loved it, I thought.

"Yeah," I smiled, putting my arm round him. "I got you, my mom, my dad, my workmates. What else could I possibly need?"

"Chandler," Mingus said. I looked at him, his eyes looked sad and his mouth was half lifted. "I don't like seeing you like this, Skye. I hate seeing you sad."

"I'm not sad. I'm just a little pissed."

"He called me..." Mingus began, trying to defend Chandler's ridiculous case.

"Mingy," I sighed, putting my hands on his shoulder. "I don't want to hear it. We'll talk when we're both back in Atlanta."

He mumbled something under his breath as he lifted his pass to get us into the convention. It was time to do the panel with Norman, Andrew, Steven and Lauren. I wasn't looking forward to it but I didn't really have a choice in the matter. I hugged Mom and Mingus and ran down the halls with Norman, hand in hand.

"We're late," he panted, his palms becoming increasingly sweaty.

"Which room?" I asked. We heard an applause coming from behind us and stopped instantly.

"That way," he said, running towards the clapping. We burst through the doors and saw Chris Hadwick, Andrew, Steven and Lauren on stage. The whole place came to a standstill.

"Glad you could join us, Normsky," Andrew said as we walked between the chairs. We bashfully waved at awestruck fans and Norman boosted me onto the high stage, Andrew pulling my hand up and then Norman.

"I expect a Leedus gif set of this," Norman yelled, looking behind him. Chris pinned my microphone on my black collared dress and I sat down beside Lauren.

"Should've got a bigger couch," Chris laughed. Norman quickly sat down next to me, followed by Andrew.

"That's one big ass stage," Norman exhaled. I slapped him for cussing live on air and then quickly covered my burning cheeks. The interview went on for a while before Chris pulled me from my daydream.

"How about you Skye, what did you think of the ending?" he asked. I looked up to Dad, then to the crowd.

"Kirkman has left it at a great place," I said. "I can't wait to see what he'll come up with next."

"Did you enjoy filming the scene?"

"Yeah, it was pretty cool how we emerged from the shadows. Andrew gave a great performance."

"Now, your current flame Chandler is meant to be here, where is he?" Chris asked, leaning in. Oh brother, I thought.

"Filming," I said bluntly. Chris raised an eyebrow.

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