Salt Lake City // Comic Con

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That week, Mingus and I returned to school. A bunch of people moved after prom, Chase being one of them. I managed to convince Norman to let me join Chandler in Salt Lake City Comic Con. It was too late notice for me to join the con (thank The Lord) but I could sit with Chandler and take pictures and stuff.

"Skye," Norman yelled from down the hall.

"I'm just coming," I yelled. We were all leaving this weekend. Norman was going to Copenhagen and Norman was going to film some more of 'Air'.

I ran down the hall with my suitcase. I had my own shirt on this time, not Chandler's, and I was ready to go.

"Let's go badass," Norman said, putting his 'Because Reedus' hat on my head. I took a picture of the three of us, tongues out and pulling faces.

@Skye_RMB: separated for the weekend #becausereedus

We arrived at the airport and Chandler text me.

'I have something to tell you bæ'

My phone died before I could reply.

"Dad, can I use your phone?"

"Uh, I don't have it," he mumbled.

"Where is it?"

"I, uh, dropped it down the toilet," he blushed. I sighed. Classic Norm.

"What about you Mingus?"

"I also dropped his down the toilet," Norman

butted in.

"My flights been called in," Norman said, pointing to the board. We both hugged Dad goodbye. "Now, there's a pay phone over there, either call Melissa or Andrew if anything happens okay? Call either of the Seans when you land. I love you both."

He walked off, leaving me with his hat. I looked over to Mingus who was eating a taco.

"Where did you get that?"

"Brought it in my bag."

"You're honestly unreal," I laughed. He looked over to be and laughed back.

"How things with you and Rigger?"

"Good, I think."

"You two totally made out last night."

"How do you know?"

"Chandler's face," he laughed. "I dread to think what he's gonna look like when he gets laid."

I slapped him on the arm. I like spending time just me and Mingus. We went off and got some food and went to the arcade before my flight was called. I hugged him tightly.

"I love you brother," I smiled.

"Love you too, brother," he laughed.

"Safe flight," I added.

"You too."

He ran over to the window, showing he was going to watch me taking off. I laughed to myself, he's just a little dork. I boarded the plane, first class, and looked out the window. I couldn't see him but I knew he was there. He's always there. We took off smoothly and landed the same way 3 hours later.

As soon as I got off the plane, Chandler was standing at the bottom of the stairs, his hands in his pockets and that old blue plaid shirt on. I instantly ran down those stairs and leaped onto him. He held my thighs as I hugged him tightly. He slid me down his body and kissed the top of my head.

"I missed you," I squealed. He simply laughed and wrapped his arm round my waist.

"I missed you too," he smiled. "Are you excited for this con?"

"I'm so excited!" I smiled. "I've never been to a con where I haven't had to spend hours signing stuff."

We walked hand in hand into the airport. Will and Gina stood with Gray.

"Hey buddy," I smiled. He was too invested in his DS to look up but he smiled. We got into the taxi and drove to the hotel.

"You're sharing with Kyla," Chandler whispered to me. I nodded. I loved the feeling of his breath on me. It was like my own personal perfume.

We arrived at the hotel. Chandler took my luggage for me. Salt Lake was beautiful and so was this hotel! I looked around.

"Finally you're back!" a voice said. I turned round and there she stood.

Hana Hayes.

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