my trailer

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Mom, Reid and Xander met the cast and got autographs and were then asked to go and 'see the sites of Atlanta' (which met for them to leave until I called them to come and get me). Chandler and Mingus whispered in the corner as I stood uncomfortable in the room.

"C'mon sweetheart, come tell us a bit about ya," Norman said, drinking from a mug. He made room between himself and Andrew for me to sit down.

"I'm Skye, I'm 14 and I.." I began but I was interupted by Lauren.

"Same age as Chan and Minggy," she added. I nodded in agreement. The boys were whispering to eachother, looking over at me every so often, making me blush.

"Have you seen your trailer yet Skye?" Melissa asked.

"I can't say that I have," I smiled.

"I'll show her!" Chandler and Mingus yelled simutainousily. The cast looked at each other, the boys weren't good at subtly hinting.

"Looks like you've got two willing tour guides," Scott smirked. The boys both stood up, went to one side of me each and pushed me out the door. There was a silence as I followed the boys along the halls. It was like a maze!

"What you think of the guys so far?" Chandler asked. I didn't hesitate.

"They're a lovely bunch," I said. "What happened to you?" I playfully added. He stopped at turned around and flashed me a little half smile, his hands placed in his pockets and thumbs on show. He swaggered over to me.

"Feisty," he winked. "Just how I like um, ay Mingus." Mingus just moved his fringe over and hid behind his sleeves. "Ming's painfully shy and socially awkward," he added, not making the situation any easier for Mingus. I walked over to him.

"I don't believe we've been properly aquatinted yet," I said, reaching my arm out. "I'm Skye." I decided, since I had hugged Chandler already, I might as well hug him too. It was a good hug, like one you get when you miss someone; and at that moment I felt like I had know Mingus for all eternity. As we hugged, I could see Chandler become jealous, but I was cut off guard when Mingus whispered into my ear 'You're very, very pretty'. My stomach felt like it had been washed down with acid, but in a good way. When he let go the three of us felt exceedingly awkward. I cleared my throat.

"So, can I see my trailer or are we going to wait for a better time?" I said, mainly looking to Chandler.

"Your wish is my command," he said linking his arm in mine. "M'lady." We walked to the trailers. "We're next door neighbours!"

"Lucky me," I sarcastically replied. "Who's on the other side?"

"Um, let me see," he said, taking a closer look. "Andy." I looked at him in a confused manner.

"Andrew Lincoln, Rick Grimes?" He yelled. "Do you even know what show you're starring in?"

"Umm, The Sitting Dead?" I said, playing dumb. I winked at Mingus who found the joke exceptionally funny.

"You're quite the joker, aren't ya?" He stated.

"I do try," I laughed. "Are we going in or?" They both fought over who would do the honors of opening the door for me. Chandler came out on top, as I imagine the majority of their arguments resulted. I entered and thanked Chandler on my way. It was a good sized trailor. I had a living area, a bathroom and a small bedroom that had a set of bunkbeds.

"Wow, this was better than mine when I first joined," Chandler laughed. "You'll get to make it your own soon." I'll probably re-paint it a light colour close to aqua. I had a flat-screen television and a sound system. It was pretty great.

"This is better than my bedroom!" I exclaimed. "I love it!"

The three of us sat in my trailer. I could get used to life on set. I pulled open a small fridge.

"Wow, Haagen-Das!" I gushed. "I love this stuff." I pulled open some drawers and found sets of cutlery. It was crazy! I felt like I had my own little house. We ate straight from the tub.

"So," Mingus said, finally starting a conversation. "What music do you like?"

"Mumford and Sons are my favourite," I said. "They put so much soul and effort into their performances, they're just amazing!"

"No way," he laughed, zipping down his hoody. He had a t-shirt on underneath it with the lyrics to 'Lover of the Light'.

"Good song choice," I said. "How about you Chan? Who do you like?"

"Ever heard of Ed Sheeran?"

"Of course!" I laughed. I showed him the background of my phone, a picture of Ed Sheeran and I.

"No way!" He said gripping my phone. "Was this in Toronto?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Ming and I were there! We followed him to three shows, it was awesome."

"How come you were in Toronto?" I asked, taking a scoop of ice cream.

"My mother lives between Denmark and Toronto," Mingus smiled. "That way, I can see my dad more often." His eyes twinkled as he proudly mentioned his dad.

There's was an abrupt knock on the door and Steven, Emily and Lauren came in.

"Gus, your Dad's looking for yah," Lauren said, sitting next to me.

"And the writers need a word with you Riggs," Steven said, picking up a spoon and digging into the ice cream.

"See you," Mingus said, blushing. His blush was contagious.

"Best be off then, see you, m'lady," Chandler winked. I rolled my eyes in return. The boys left my trailer and I was met by the stares of Steven, Emily and Lauren.

"Ice cream?" I offered.

"I'd love some, m'lady," Steven teased. I coldly stared at him.

"What was that all about anyways?" Emily asked.

"He's, um, he's very..."

"Forward?" Lauren offered.

"Flirty?" Emily added.

"Bingo," I laughed, prying my ice cream out Steven's hands.

"Anyways we have a table read and Andrew wanted us to walk you to the room," Lauren said.

I put my ice cream in the fridge and locked up my new trailer on the set of my new show. Thing are looking up great for me.

m'lady [Mingus Reedus // Chandler Riggs FanFic]Where stories live. Discover now