first day filming (the decision and actually filming)

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[this chapter is pretty boring but I need to get this one past before I can get to the end. there's a pretty important part at the end but the rest is basically a part of her choice or script and filming a little.]

"Oh thank you, m'lady," Greg said, smirking on the 'm'lady' part.

"You'll never let that go will you?" I asked.

"Not planning on it," he laughed.

Robert cleared his throat, something I've learned means we're to stop. I cleared my throat in return.

"These are the three scripts I'm not interested it," I said, pushing three of the four script forward. "As you'll notice, I've annotated them with little comments. I've also taken the liberty of adding some part in to the scripts that seemed fitting."

"So you're taking the Greene one?" Gale said, making sure.

"Yes ma'am," I said.

Frank tutted.

"I completely see where you're coming from Mr Darabont but this is the best option for me," I said.

"Why didn't you pick the other three?" Frank asked.

"With regards to the Daryl and Carol ones, I do not want my relationships with Norman and Melissa to be affected because of the show. The Samuels one didn't interest me."

"I see," he said, flicking through the scripts. "You've thoroughly edited these scripts, Skye."

"Yes sir," I said. "This wasn't an easy decision. Cleo's entering could modify the show greatly."

"You're very mature for your age," he said. "Tell me, do you enjoy script writing."

"Yes sir, very much so," I beamed. It was a passion of mine for a long time. "I preferred it to acting back in school."

He chuckled a little.

"I'm sure we can help you fulfil your passion," he smiled. "Head off to the studio and let us have a little look through your annotations."

I walked out of the trailer and started to walk back to the studio. I was walking alone when I felt a weight on my shoulders.

"Jesus," I cussed. I looked up to Andrew.

"Where you going?" he asked.

"Up to the studio, you?"

"Went to take a whizz, I'm heading back too," he said. Oddly enough, him saying 'whizz' was more adorable than rude.

"I'll walk with you," I replied.

"You made up your mind yet?" he asked.

"Greene cousin," I said.

"You confident enough to sing?"

"Wait, what!?"

"You have to sing The Parting Glass, remember?"

"Aw dammit," I said, making sure I didn't say the other swears running through my mind.

"Can you sing?"

I blushed.

"I-I-I dunno," I mumbled.

"You can, can't you you?" he laughed, pushing me lightly on the shoulder. I had dabbled in singing, won a few competitions here and there, but I was nothing extraordinary.

"A little," I said. "I'm more instrumentally inclined."

"You play?"

"Guitar, keyboard, piano," I said.

"I see," he nodded as we reached the studio. He held the door open for me and lead me to the cafeteria. I looked into it. To the left was the human cast and to the right was the walkers.

"What's that about?" I asked Andrew as we sat down.

"Try watching a walker eat a salad," Lauren laughed. "You'll understand."

I looked over to the walkers and saw exactly what she meant. I'm pretty sure on of the guys prosthetic jaw dripped onto his plate. I looked over to Chandler. He wasn't interested in much that didn't revolve round his cell. I went and peered over his shoulder.

"Minecraft?" I asked. "Really?"

"Alway," he said. "Even when you think I'm not Minecrafting, I'm probably Minecrafting."

I laughed.

"What a nerd," I said, teasing him.

"I'm your nerd though," he smirked, looking up to me a little. I blushed as my co-workers (and my mom and dad) muttered about the two of us between them. Any moment now, Robert would walk in. I watched the door for him to enter. Nothing. Steven, Beth and Lauren, after looking over to us, burst out laughing. I looked over to them and they stopped. Robert finally burst through the doors with Gale, Frank and Greg in tow.

"Set," Robert said, walking through one double door.

"Now?" I whispered to Chandler.

"Now!" he demanded, walking through the other doors. Chandler nodded and we walked down to the set.

"Okay, opening scene, Cleo shooting an arrow into a tree," Robert said as we clumped together on the edge of the forest. "Greg will take you to practice with Norman."

I took the bow off Greg and walked down to a clear area. We practiced for a while before I made an accurate shot.

"Well done kid," Norman said.

"Thanks," I smiled.

"I'll get Robert," Greg ran off. Robert came back straight away.

"Okay, so, we're going to make you stay off camera for a few seconds. Then, we'll have you pull you plait out and let your hair flow. You'll pull your bow out of the tree and whistle off. Got it?" Robert asked.

"Got it," I smiled. I did as I was told and finished up filming for the day. I got changed into my outfit and stood outside my trailer.

"Let's go," Chandler smirked, pulling my arm. We walked up to the studio and out into the front of the building.

"Hold up," Robert said. We turned round to see him huffing.

"Yeah?" Chandler asked.

He puffed a little, swallowed his saliva, and wiped the sweat from his brow.

"This evening," he said. "You two are a couple."

We both simultaneously rolled our eyes.

"Is there anything specific we need to do?" I asked.

"Try look like you want to be a couple," he tutted. "And try colour co-ordinate."

"No pink," we both said at the same time. I blushed as he did.

"See you, and remember, publicity," he said, walking backwards to the car.

"Publicity," I mocked.

"This is going to be amazing," he smiled. His hand lingered next to mine and his index finger stroked mine. We clasp our hands and looked out to the slowly setting sun. I nodded slightly.

"Yeah. It will."

m'lady [Mingus Reedus // Chandler Riggs FanFic]Where stories live. Discover now