SDCC (part 1)

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[Even though SDCC was weeks ago, I'm writing a chapter on it. Obviously - if you saw pictures, that is - Norman and Emily took a lot of pictures that seem to be romantic so I'm gonna change it down that line. Sorry it's been so long but it was my birthday and stuff (and thangs)]

As the days went on I become more agitated. Comic Con San Diego was slowly creeping up - the creme de lu creme - and I wasn't announced. I was gutted beyond belief. Robert made such a huge deal of me and doesn't even announce me at the most important Comic Con in the world (not to sound overly ungrateful). Even a table reads, everyone spoke about how excited they were for it while Josh, Emily (and others) and I sat glumly. It wasn't until the night before/early morning that I received a phone call.

"Hello," I said, picking up the phone with a gruff voice.

"Skye, it's Kirkman," Robert said, I let my eyes adjust to the brightness on my phone. When I told him to feel free to call about anything at anytime I didn't mean the early hours of the morning.

"Mr Kirkman - not that hearing from you isn't a delight - are you aware it's 3:30am?" I said, rubbing my eyes.

"Well Ms Reedus, are you aware I just booked you and Emily a spot at San Diego Comic Con?"

I'm not 100% sure what noise came out of my mouth but it was something between a chimp laugh and a screech.

"I LOVE YOU SIR," I yelled through the phone. He chuckled through the phone as Norman and Mingus burst through the door, Mingus holding a baseball bat and Norman a frying pan.

"Are you alright?" Norman said, rushing over to me, scanning me for injury.

"I'm going to Comic Con, Dad!" I said. He smirked a little, hooking my neck round his arm. "I'll see you Mr Kirkman," I said, hanging up after he said goodbye.

"You better get some sleep," Norman said, lifting the quilt for me to lie back down.

"Night guys," I said, closing my eyes. "Love you both."

"Love you," Norman replied, opening the door.

"Like the ocean," Mingus said, exiting.

"Like the ocean," I whispered as Norman hit the light.


"Rise and shine," Mel said, sitting on my bed and moving my hair back. I croaked a little cough before I opened my eyes.

"Morning Mom," I smiled. She planted a small kiss on my head.

"Pack your things, it's breakfast to go," she replied, getting up and off the bed.

I slipped out of bed. 7am. I wish Robert though about his decisions of calling me earlier, I'd of had more time to pack.

"Coffee. There will be coffee included to go, right?"

"Of course," she smiled, shutting the door. I gathered some clothes into a rucksack. I wouldn't need much for the amount of days. I picked up my phone and threw the charger in my bag.

'@Skye_RMB: So excited for San Diego. What a wonderful surprise this morning.'

I walked out into the hallway and Mrs Riggs and Mom stood. My heart jumped back. What was Gina doing here

"Let's go babygirl," Dad said, handing me a flask and a roll to me. "Times wastin'."

Chandler and Mingus came out from the living room and we all left. Robert had sent a limo for us. I hate those things, too over the top.

The worst thing about Dad in situations as big as Comic Con is that he goes full selfie mode.

"Dad, stop it please," I moaned, running a make up brush along my face furiously. I didn't wake up in time to put make up on. I rummaged around my bag for my bronzer when a set of hands touched my knee.

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