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A few months past from that day at SDCC. When we flew home the ambience was thick. Mom dragged me along with her everywhere and Dad kept well away with Mingus. It was quiet on the way home. Mom and I moved from the front to the back once photos had stopped being taken. We rode a cab home instead of getting in the car. I respected her wanting silence. When we got home, Norm stood in the hallway.

"Melissa, please," he said, grabbing her arm. She calmly took his hand off her arm and walked off into the room, slamming the door behind her. Dad went to open it.

"Don't," I replied, lurching forward. "Don't do that."

"Why shouldn't I? This is my house and that's my partner."

"Dad, you've royally fucked up," Mingus said. "Melissa wanted it to be on the downlow. You didn't respect that."

"I didn't mean for this to happen," he said, rubbing his arm.

"Sleep in my bed tonight," I offered. "She'll want space."

It took two whole weeks of them not talking before they made up. Two weeks was two weeks too long for me. The first week I slept on the couch. Norm worked insanely hard and deserved a bed, I felt. The second week, Mingus slept at Chandler's house. On the twelfth day they finally spoke. I'd got home from shopping with Eulyn the costume designer and there was yelling when I pushed the front door slightly open.

"You wouldn't leave. You're bluffing," Norman was yelling from one side of the apartment.

"Believe me Norman," Melissa yelled. "I'll take Skye, I'll take the baby, I'll quit my job and move out of Atlanta."

"Go. Fine. All three of yah. See if Mingus and I care."

Dad didn't care? I know he was blinded by rage but I didn't do anything wrong.

"You know you don't mean that Norman," Melissa said, a little more quietly. She moved into the hall. I crouched a little more again, pulling the door. "You know you don't."

"I mean every word of it. Go. Leave. Take Mingus too. Strip me of everything. If you're gone you might as well take away my kids. What does it matter?"

I stepped back, leaving the door ajar, tears stinging my eyes. I automatically wanted to go in there, grab Mom and leave. I knew that wasn't possible so my next instinct was Chandler. I burst through the doors, my upset now audible. I seen him scramble to the door in a pair of white basketball shorts.

"What's wrong?" he asked, holding my face in his hands.

"Norm," I sniffed only slightly. "He doesn't care about me or Melissa or the baby."

Mingus came out of the living room with his headset on.

"What did he say?" Mingus asked, his fists slightly clenched. "What did he say to your or Melissa?"

I sat down and explained what I heard, Chandler's arms completely around my waist.

"He doesn't mean it," Mingus said after a short silence. "He's obsessed by you. He's ordered a bassinet and booked parenting classes. He's..."

Mingus paused, exhaling, as if he was admitting defeat on behalf of Dad.


I nodded, wiped the dampness from the corner of my eye, and hugged my big brother, Chandler's hand wrapped in mine.

"I love you guys," I smiled, looking sheepishly at me feet and then kissing each one on the cheek. "I'm going back across but I'll be back over later. Chandler, you owe my a game on League remember."

"Oh, I remember," he said, walking through the corridor with me. He grabbed my face dominantly and kissed my open mouth. I put my hands on his jaw and smiled.

"Chill boy, you just about head butted me," I laughed. "How's having Ming to stay?" I whispered slightly, my body involuntarily moving closer to his.

"It's good, but I'd much rather it was you staying," he chuckled, a half smirk growing on his face.

"Hmmm, I'm sure you would," I replied, running my hand down his torso. "I'll see you later kid."

"Not if I see you first," he replied, opening the door.

"Lame," I said, prolonging the 'm'. I pushed the front door open and stood on the porch.

"Look who's home, my bud!" Dad said, pushing my shoulder. "Hope you didn't cause Eu any trouble now."

"I didn't," I smiled, hugging him tightly around the waist. His hand slammed down on my back, rubbing it.

"What's up with you?" he asked, looking down. "You okay?"

"I love you," I whispered. "I love you a lot."

"Well I love you to the moon and back," he replied simply.

We nonchalantly released grip of each other and I slipped into Mom and Dad's room. My suitcase I got for my birthday and her suitcase sat side by side, open as if waiting to suck me in. She emerged from the en-suite wearing a rip off Daryl Dixon poncho and sniffling

"Hi," I simply greeted, moving my suitcase.

"Hello," she said after a long pause. "You heard us arguing, didn't you?"

"I did."

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be," I said, pulling her into my arms. "You're scared. He's scared. We're all scared. But we're good scared. Happy scared. You're going to be okay Mom. You are."

"You're such a grown up," she said, touching my face and moving a section of hair behind my ear. "So wise, so strong. You're my rock, you know."

"Oh I know," I replied. "Now put those suitcases away and smile."

"For you."

I walked out the room and into the kitchen where Dad stood.

"Kid," he said, putting his arm round me. "I'm serious, what's up."

"I heard your argument," I replied. "But it's okay. We're all allowed to be scared. When we're scared, we say things we don't mean."

"I didn't you were there," he said quickly. "I would never have said anything if I knew you were there."

"Are you and Mom gonna make up now?" I asked a little childishly. "I don't like it when you fight."

"We will, I promise you."

I kissed him on the cheek courteously.

"Goodnight Daddy," I said. A rare moment when it just slips out.

"Goodnight my lovely."

A/N: Okay I'm a sucky author and threw this together in about half an hour. What I need you guys to do is help me get out of this writers block! What do you want to see? I'm open to all suggestions within reason. I'm sorry about the lack of update and quality. Also, I hope you all enjoyed the season premiere!

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