christmas / new year (part 2)

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I listened closely. Melissa and Norman laughed for a long time. I heard corks of wines ejecting from the tight bottles and the rustling of packets but at 11:55 all fell silent. They did not leave the living room. I snuck out in a little blue dress with a strapped back and white daisy scattered on it. I still felt like I had to look good for him. I took the lift, something about wandering through a block of apartments that chilled me to the bone. I stepped out and looked down to the empty pool that had gathered a mountain of snow.

"I knew you'd come," I heard from behind me. Chandler sat crossed legged on the ledge that looked over town. He sat with one hand on his pocket and one on the neck of a retro, wooden guitar.

"Chandler," I yelled. He laughed, jumping off the ledge. He took my hand and we sat down on the lounger.

"Merry Christmas Skye," he smiled.

"Merry Christmas to you too Chandler," I laughed. "Is this what you called me out for?"

He just chuckled to himself, proceeding to remove his leather jacket and put it round my bare arms.

"I play guitar," he announced proudly. He picked it up and he gripped to the neck, his biceps expanding.

"Do you now," I smirked, looking down at my feet, I flashed my eyes up to him.

"I want you to sing with me," he said seriously. "I want you to sing like you sang earlier at filming."

"You weren't there," I said confused.

"Em sent me a snapchat," he said, sitting down next to me. "You have a gift Skye, a beautiful, beautiful gift."

"Shut up," I said, pushing his shoulder. He put his arm round my shoulder and then moved it to my waist.

"I wouldn't lie to you," he said.

"Maybe," I said, getting up and walking to the ledge and pushing myself up a little to get a full view of the drunken people that flooded the street, singing and cheering for the festive day that had come. It puts life into a perspective, looking at the town. Like, you're just another person out there, in a world full of other people and in the end you and all those other people just end up in a hole in the ground the same size. A cold feeling spread round my head. "CHANDLER!"

"Come get me," he laughed. I lay my hand on the load of snow in my hair. I clenched my fists and let it melt before gathering snow from the near by tree. I seen him go by the entrance to the gym. I curved it and heard a yelp. Bingo. I ran round to the patio and looked around. Where was he? Before I knew it, I was hit on the back of the head with a huge clump of snow and I jutted forward, onto a lower railing, desperately grabbing onto the cold railing. Chandler pulled me back before I could fall to a fatal injury.

"Hey, I got you," he said, hugging me as I went into a state of shock. He shook me a little. "I promised you, I always got you."

He stroked my hair as I stared into space.

Just another person who was going to end up in a hole in the ground the same size as everyone else's.

"I'm fine," I insisted finally, sneaking my hand into a bush.

"Are you sure because that was clo.."

I smashed a bunch of snow on the top of his head. It melted down onto his fringe. He blew it upwards and wiped off the water on his brow and bopped my nose. He lifted me off my feet from below my buttocks and I held his face as we sped off to the wall and kissed each other.

"Merry Christmas," he whispered as he kissed the skin between my mouth and ear.

"You too Chandler Riggs," I mumbled. "You too."


Melissa and Norman were sound asleep as I snuck in with Chandler's jacket still placed firmly on my body. I snuck into the living room and kissed them both softly on the head as Norman had his hulking arms round Melissa's petite little frame. He had his chin on her head and her spiked hair looked like a little beard of Norman's. I quickly wrapped a blanket round them. They shuffled a little and Melissa turned to face his chest. They both smirked and moaned a little as I shut the door.

What felt like minutes past was actually 5 and a half hours. 6am and Norman was jumping on my bed.

"Skye," he yelled. "Gon go get the bucket if you don't wake the hell up and come open your presents."

"Don't get the bucket," I urgently said, darting up.

"Merry Christmas baby," he said, wrapping his arms round my neck and pushing us to lay down on the bed. Melissa seemed to be photographing this all.

"Get over here Mom," I said. She hugged me too.

"Merry Christmas lovely."

"Merry Christmas."

Dad and I woke up Mingus. He wasn't in the slightest appreciative of this but we dragged him into Norman's room. Melissa had made pancakes and Norman had his cereal ready. We piled into the King Sized bed and ate breakfast, opening our stockings. I had mainly girls stuff; make up, jewellery, a $50 iTunes card and $50 for Hot Topic. We then made our way into the living room for the havoc of our main presents. They went overboard. They got me an iMac and a new iPad, a bunch of new clothes and stuff. Mingus was the same.

"Thank you so much," I gushed. I started to boot up my iMac when I looked above the screen to Melissa and Norman sitting next to each other, giggling at each other and holding their mugs of coffee. I've never seen Norman so happy.

"You guys haven't opened your gifts," Mingus said. He and I were thinking the exact same.

"Yeah," I agreed.

"Oh, well," Norman said. He started opening all his presents. Mostly underwear really but he loved it all. Melissa's turn. She got a lot of necklaces and scarfs; just the usual. I noticed none of it was from Norman.

"Hey Norm, where's the gifts for Mel?" I asked. He blushed a little and pulled them out of the coffee table drawer. He threw two boxes at me too.

"Nothing for you Ming," he said. "Except a noogie."

Norman pulled him into a headlock and rubbed quickly on the top of the head. Melissa opened her candles, perfume, scarf and clothes.

"Don't forget the boxes," Norman said. I opened mine. A necklace and a bracelet. The bracelet inside of the bracelet read '5.10.13'. I looked at him a confused manor but hugged none the less. I looked over to Melissa, who's stopped opening her presents immediately to watch me. I opened the second one and it was a locked shaped like a human heart. I opened it and on the inside there were 8 compartments filled with pictures. Melissa opened hers up - she got a long beaded necklace, a pendant, a beaded bracelet and a bracelet like mine.

"It's engraved," Norman whispered poorly. It's like the cast don't know how to whisper. She turned it round and smirked, holding it up to her chest and kissing him on the cheek.

AN: Part 2 will hopefully be up tomorrow or tonight.

Guys, on Saturday I met David Morrissey (The Governor). He was so lovely.

Anyway, keep reading, voting and leaving feedback.


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