an announcement

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Conan was great! Norman and Melissa were so adorable and Conan was such a nice guy too. We got off stage, laughing and giggling, and headed to the carpark. Melissa walked in the front and Chandler and I followed close behind.

"I enjoyed tonight," Chandler smiled, his knuckle brushing my wrist. He scooped my hand up dominantly, like it belonged to him.

"Me too," I smiled, tumbling into his chest a little.

"Whoops," he giggled, pulling me up to stand. "You been drinking?"

"Of course not," I giggled, holding onto his fore arm which was round my waist. He made me feel safer than anyone else. "I'm not a teenaged drinker, unlike some people."

"Who might you be referring to?" he laughed, stopping and sitting down on a nearby wall, pulling me on his knee.

"You of course," I smiled, kissing him on the cheek.

"Let's keep moving!" Mom yelled, not even turning around. Chandler got up and started walking.

"Are you coming m'lady?" Chandler asked, looking at me sideways, his hands firmly in his pockets.

"My feet hurt," I said, petting out my lip a little as I began pulling off my shoes.

"No need my dear," he cornily said, crouching in front of me. "Your noble steed awaits."

"Are you serious?" I asked.

"It's a serious piggyback."

I smirked at his reference to the show.

"No Bethyl," I laughed, jumping on his back.

"Light as a bloody feather," he laughed. "I love the moments like these."

"Me too," I smiled. "We'll get plenty of moments in Rome."

There was a silence.

"Mhm," he moaned.

"We can go see the sights, there's so many ice cream stores and the history," I beamed. This was going to be one of the best moments of my life. I knew it was.

"Always high speed," I smiled, pinching his cheeks from behind.

"Your wish my command," he laughed, running forward. I clung onto his collar as he ran down the road neighing and being an oaf, passing Melissa as we went. We reached the car and he let me off.

"That'll be a dollar," he said, sorting his fringe a little.

"Put it on my tab," I said.

"There are other forms of pay you know," he said, lifting an eyebrow up.

"What would this be?" I asked, playing dumb.

"Oh you know," he smiled, leaning into me and kissing me quickly on the mouth. He literally sucked all the air out of me. I just love how he can blow me away everytime.

"Let's get in the car," Melissa smiled. "Norman and Mingus are going with Danai, Steven and Lauren."

"Oh okay," I smiled, Chandler opening the backdoor for me.

"Actually, I'd rather on of you were in the front," she said. "None of that PDA in front of your mother."

I blushed and Chandler got in the front.

We met Dad, Mingus and the others in the carpark and we walked into the bar at the restaurant.

"I need me a beer," Norman said. "How's about you Steve."

"Sure, that'd be..."

"Greg?" Danai said. We turned to Danai's attention. Greg Nicotero was sitting at the bar with Robert.

"What a pleasant surprise," Lauren smiled. "What brings you out here?"

"We wanted to hear how how Conan went," Greg smiled.

"We're here to speak to Skye," Robert said, truthfully.

"There's a surprise," I whispered to Chandler. He nudged my elbow.

"Come here honey," Greg smiled. Greg's such a lovely guy.

"More dates have been added to Walker Stalker and we've had to move Rome to next month instead of July. Then, we'll have you going Paris, London and Madrid."

"Oh, that's great," I smiled. I'd be pretty bored what with The Walking Dead finishing and me having no projects to keep me occupied until filming starts up again. "What about Chandler? Mom and Dad?"

"Chandler has other commitments you must remember. As does you father. We'll see about your mother," Robert added, crossing his arms and leaning on a wall. Dad has three up and coming projects, Chandler has two.

"Mom does," I said swallowing my saliva.

"The cast love you enough, I'm sure you'll slip in with someone," Robert snorted a little. I looked down and my feet and then nodded.

"Skye," Greg said. "You don't have to do anything you don't want to."

"I will," I said hastily. "I will."

"Go off to everyone else. We'll have you signing the Walker Stalker contracts and publicising as soon as possible," Robert said. I ran to Chandler and grabbed his shoulder.

"Hey," he smiled, looking down to me a little. I love how he's those couple of inches taller than me.

"Hi," I glumly said, looking down at my feet.

"Wait," he said, moving his hands down and my wrists and pulling me to a stop. He pulled me down a corridor. "What happened."

"Nothing," I said. "Just Walker Stalker stuff. Chandler, we're going to be in different states. Continents."

"It'll be okay," he smiled, lifting my chin up to look at him. "It won't be that bad. I promise."

"Paris, London, Madrid," I said. "Europe. America. Chandler, I couldn't cope for six days and you were only 400 miles away. How am I suppose to handle 4,000."

"We will," he said, one hand holding the back of my neck, the other on my face. "We're strong enough."

I snuggled into his chest and he wrapped his arms around me. He dropped little kisses on the tip of my head as I looked up to him.

"Skye," he said.


"I'm not coming to Rome."

"What? Chandler, you know how important Rome was to me. To us."

"I know but Mercy."

"Okay," I sighed. If I wasn't as tired I'd probably of burst out crying. This meant the world to me, this holiday. For Chandler and I to create memories. To have a moment together.

"You're not mad, are you?"

"Of course not," I lied, smiling at him and raping my arms around him. "I'm so happy that your TV series are doing well."

"I knew you'd understand," he said, hugging my waist. "Thank you."

"Well I'm going to bed," I smiled, as he sat down on the couch. I brushed his knee a little with mine as he stared at me.

"Without a bedtime kiss?"

I turned round to him a little, half smiling, and waltzed back over to him. I pushed back his shoulders and came inches from his face. His arms lingered on my waist which was leaned over him. His breath, the warmth. I lay my lips on him, kissed him and walked away.



I'm back after a broken finger and a week long grounding. Lots of chapters coming, I promise!

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