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It took us a while to recover from New Year. Twitter was insane after that night. Mingus and I took the notion to get back on the straight and narrow regarding our education. As we went to log in to our accounts a banner popped up.


"Dad," Mingus yelled.

"What?" Norman asked. He came through shirtless with a towel round him. We showed him the screens. "Ah, about that."

"What?" we both said at the same time.

"We're testing you out at a public school when I go to Japan," he said.

"Japan?" I cried.

"Public school?" Mingus cried.

"Yeah, uh, I leave tomorrow," he said.

"Where are we staying?" I asked.

"Melissa's gonna watch you both," he said. "Keep your panties on, you're still going to be staying here, she's just gonna sleep over for a week or maybe a fortnight. For that time you'll be at a public school that are flexible regarding your filming schedule and mine."


"No buts Skye," he said. "You either Ming. Your mom's ecstatic at the idea. Both your moms actually"

I hadn't been to school in a long time. Norman made sure we showered tonight and we chilled on the couch before Melissa arrived. When she did, all four of us went to bed before Melissa woke Mingus and I up to say goodbye to Dad.

"I'll miss you," Norman said, hugging us both.

"Miss you too," we said.

"I love you both," he said, kissing us on the head. He walked over over to Melissa and we let them have their moment. We sat down on the couch and sighed.

"We're never going to get a minutes peace," I said.

"It's gonna suck," he said.

"I don't even..."

Then, someone stormed into the house. Norman jumped a little, removing his hands from Melissa waist and hiding her behind him. It was only Chandler.

"Have you told them?" he asked angrily.

"I have," Norman said. "Have I told you about knocking?"

"Not relevant at this moment in time," he said. "You know what school was like for me, for Mingus, last time. Why are you putting us through this again?"

"Take a seat boy," Norman said. "Watch you don't get a nose bleed."

I sniggered a little.

"The reason is, you might not be an actor or actress forever," he said. "And Mingus, I might not be one forever either. It's just, it's not fair you're being deprived a proper education purely because you have a talent. Or I have a talent. This is happening and if you give Melissa any grief what so ever on the matter I won't hesitated to jump on a plane, whoop your asses, and get back on. We clear?"

"Clear," all three of us said.

"Good, Melissa will drive you to three to school in an hours time. I love you all and will see you when you get back."


Melissa pulled up to the school. I was wearing a pink holed sweater and black acid tone jeans with my white converse. I had my hair curled and some make up on. I took my empty school bag and walked in between Chandler and Mingus. Melissa walked behind us. The whispers of people around us became amplified the further into the school we walked. We reached the office and three people stood there waiting.

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