court day / a day in with chandler and mingus (part 2)

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I showered and then watched television for a while. Mingus came in a one o'clock.

"Where the hell were you?" I asked.

"I went to the gym," he said, flicking his fringe.

"You smell," I said, wrinkling my nose. He ran over to me and lifted his arm, putting my face in his armpit. "Mingus!" I screeched.

"You like the smell lil sis?" he asked. I pushed him off me. "Wow, what did I say?"

"We can't do this anymore," I said.

"Do what?" he asked.

"This whole kissing thing. This flirty thing and then go on like brother and sister, we can't," I said, fluffing the pillows on the couch.

"It's not all my fault, you kiss me too, like this morning, with the touchy touchy thing," he said.

"I know I'm just as bad okay, we just need to stop it," I said, putting my hand on my hip.

"So you can go do the same to Chandler?"

"Why are you being like this? You know there's a good chance your dad could be my guardian, when it does happen we won't be able to do what we were doing. It was nice while it lasted Mingus, it really was," I said.

"So what, we lead each other on and now we're just going to go on like nothing ever happened?"

"We have no other choice!"

"I can't believe this, I hope you don't get to live with us, I hope you have to go back to Toronto and live with your mom and dad again, I hate you," he said. Did he just say that? Did he just say he'd rather me live with my abusive parents than live with him and Norman, the only hope I have (except Melissa) to have a normal family. Tears began to swell up in my eyes and my throat closed up.

"Skye I'm so..." he began. I pushed passed him and slammed the door. I walked over to Chandler's door and knocked on it. He opened it slowly, peeking out from the side.

"Skye? What's wrong?"

"I've fallen out with Mingus," I mumbled.

"What did he say? I'll kill him."

"Chandler, you're taking it too far. Can I just come sit with you until I feel like going back over?"

"Sure, but I swear if you want me to I..."

"Chan, I'm fine."

I walked into Chandler's apartment and sat down on the teal couch. He was playing on the Playstation.

"Don't you have school?" I asked.

"I'll do it later," he said, slightly turning round.

"Huh?" I said, bemused by what he meant by that.

"I do school online, same as Ming," he explained. "If you end up living with Norman and Melissa then I guess you'll do it with us too."

"Oh," I said.

I looked over to the clock his mother had above the log fire. It pointed to 1:10.

"We have to go into town," I said.

"Why?" he asked.

"I want to go to the courthouse."

"Didn't Norman say you aren't to go?"

"I don't care Chandler, please," I begged.

"He'll kill me," he said. "No way."

"Chan, I'll get Ming to come, we can go to Starbucks and then meet them coming out at the courthouse, it'll be great!"

"What if..."

"You've got to stop being so negative! You can't just spend your life playing video games, life's for living, let's go," I said, pulling his arm.

"Did you make that up?"

"It was my line from Capper but who cares, go get money, I'll get Mingus," I said, running out the door and into the house.

"Mingus," I called. He came running from his bedroom. His hair was soaking wet.

"Oh my god thank goodness," he said hugging me. Hugging me like that day at set, when he was all shy and innocent. Like I had known him all my life.

"We're going out, get some money and a pair of shoes on. Maybe blow-dry your hair and meet me and Chandler in the foyer," I said. "You got that?"

"Where we going?"

"To the courthouse."

"No way, my dad said.."

"I think you owe me one, don't you?" He blushed.

"I guess."

I walked into my room and grabbed $10 and went opened Chandler's door.

"Chan, hurry," I called.

"Come in quickly," he said. I ran down the hall. All the door were shut except his.

"What's up?"

"Which top should I wear?" I rolled my eyes and picked up his red Abercrombie & Fitch t-shirt and threw it at him.

"Wear the red converse too," I said, spying them out the corner of my eye.

"I stood in the hall and Mingus appeared, wearing the Mumford and Sons t-shirt that he wore the day I first met. Chandler walked out into the hall and we all exited the building and ventured out into the city of Atlanta.

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