SDCC (3/3)

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I stood in the wings, obsessively cracking my knuckles though the majority of the time they did not need it. I watched my mom and dad closely. Mingus had disappeared to go see the Avengers cast and Chandler was at the bathroom.

"Are you nervous?" a random guy with a headset whispered to me. I folded my arms and sighed a little.

"Actually, not really," I said, pushing my bottom lip out a little. I was reasonably nervous but I wasn't freaking out. The guy left and Chandler returned with a tub of pudding.

"Where'd you get that?" I laughed, hugging him. He was shaking in my arms instantly.

"Payed some guy twenty bucks to pick it up from the store," he said, his trembling hands touching the back of my neck.

"Are you alright?" I asked, gripping his hands, my hands shaking due to his. He nodded, exhaling difficultly. I shook my head and pulled a chair over for him. When I turned round he was doubled over, unable to breath. "Sit down!"

He sat down, laying his head in his shaking hands. I crouched in front of the chair.

"Breath, in and out, just breath," I said coaching him through it. I'd experienced a panic attack much similar to this at NYCC but Mr Depp pulled me out of it.

"I can't do this," he said through deep breaths. I stood up and pulled my hands up, biting my lip.

"As clique as it sounds, everything is going to be okay. You're not dying, you have air and space. Drink some water," I said, passing him my bottle. He drank a large portion of it there and then. "Anything else?"

"Hold me."

I did that. I hugged him. It was weird being the taller one. He lay his head on the indent of my shoulder and breathed shallowly. I just stood, crouched over for around five full minutes, my back spasming. I pulled away at one point but he clung on a little.

"Thank you," he whispered, moving his hands from my waist to my back. He guided me to his knee.

"You'd do the same for me," I whispered back, leaning my head on his. We looked onto the stage with our heads closed and our hand entwined.

"There's one person I've met that's changed a lot..."

"That's my cue I think," he said, standing up hesitantly. I strolled over - slightly dominantly - and held his face in my hands.

"You'll do amazing as usual," I said, hugging him. "You never cease to amaze me."

"Riggs don't give up. Neither do you. I guess you're a Riggs at heart."

I smiled as the crowd applauded. He awkwardly shifted himself onto stage as an embarrassing season two picture was up on the screen. I folded my arm and leaned on a piece of scaffolding. My little dork. He lit up like no one else on that panel and chirped away cutely.

"What's it been like growing up on the show?" Chris asked him. He immediately looked over to me and back forward.

"It's been amazing. I've worked with amazing actors and had the best mentor. It's awesome. So much fun," he said, looking down the panel. "But, um, more recently it's been more awesome."

"Why's that?" Chris asked, causing Chandler to giggle slightly and blush.

"Because Chandymans got a girl," Steven yelled down the panel.

"Yes. I do have a girl," he replied. "My girl."

"Actually, she's my girl," Norman said, nudging him.

"Let's put our hands together for Skye Reedus-McBride."

I breathed out and smiled as the lights hit me. As I got closer I was Dad filming me and the whole cast standing up and clapping. Chandler hugged me and Dad did too before Chandler pulled my chair out for me and pushed me.

"He's a proper gentleman," Chris laughed.

"Learns from the best you know," Lauren added non-challontly.

"Welcome, Skye, how are you enjoying Comic Con?" Chris asked me. I leaned forward to speak into my mic and it didn't work. Chandler instantly lurched forward and placed his in front of me.

"Thanks," I said to Chandler, the mic grabbing it slightly. Most of the crowd 'awww'ed'. "Yeah, it's been great, I've loved every minute so far."

"What's it like dating a co-star?"

"It's different," I smiled, looking at him. "Good different. I love being around him and with him. He know my faults and my quirks and ditto. I just love the presence of him."

"Will Cleo and Carl be seen together?"

"It's early days. We'll see. Of course it lies in the hands of Mr Gimple and Mr Kirkman. They have a scene just the two of them together this season. That's all I'm saying."

The attention moved from the two of us - and me - and onto fan questions that didn't concern Chandler or I.

"Want some pudding?" he whispered. I could see him gagging slightly. I took it away from him. After the scenes on the show, it made him queezy. The questions seemed to go on forever. I turned to the wings and Mingus stood. Norm and I waved at him.

"What are the Reedus' waving at?" Chris said, drawing attention to us. "C'mon pay attention dudes."

When the questions past Chris began to close the panel when Norman stood up.

"Can I say something, real quick?" Norman asked.


"Ming, get out here," he said. Mingus shook his head and waved his arms. I quickly nipped off stage and pulled him on whilst the crowd applauded. When we returned he had Melissa on his feet and a mic in his hand.

"Um, I'd like to announce that Melissa and I are expecting a baby together very soon. Okay, thanks."

There was gasped from the panel, from the audience and from me. Chris stood with his mouth opened slightly.

"That's all from us. Be sure to watch The Walking Dead on AMC this October. Do not miss it."

Dad waved off the stage and I followed close.

"You're a tool," I whispered, smiling and waving still.

"I know," he replied doing the same. "I'm so dead."

"Soooo very dead."

m'lady [Mingus Reedus // Chandler Riggs FanFic]Where stories live. Discover now