Filming and Teen Vogue

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I didn't want to go and take part in this shoot. I wanted to spend the day laying in bed, watching a stupid, girly TV series on Netflix - with a Starbucks I sent Norman to get -, alone. Instead I was filming my first official scene with 'Carl'. So far, Kirkman has had them despise each other but this will be the episode when lips lock. After a year of being on the show Cleo and Carl are going to kiss.

I got dressed into joggers, an Abercrombie t-shit and entered into kitchen, grabbing a slice of toast that was in the centre of the table. Melissa had her arms wrapped around Norman's neck as she read the newspaper with him. They seemed happy for once. Mingus' eyes were barely open as he stared at his glass bottled orange juice.

"Morning all," I greeted, leaning against the counter. I pulled my hair out of the plait I had it in last night.

"Morning," Mom replied. The boys simply let out a grunt. "Remember you two have your Teen Vogue photo shoot after filming. One of us will take you either that or Mr and Mrs Riggs."

Mingus' eyes lit up a little and he smirked to himself. I couldn't let him see the fact that, quite frankly, I couldn't be bothered.

"Let's go," Norman said, folding up his paper and craning it into the garbage. "Mingus, take it to the garbage shoot for me please."

Mingus muttered to himself quietly as I quickly ran a comb through my hair on my way down to the car.


(In role)

I walked around the set beside Chandler. It was an untouched kitchen with oak decor and a circular table with four seats in the middle.

"Untouched," I whispered, running my hand along the table. As I ran my finger along the table the camera zoomed into it, showing that it picked up no dust. I had to take a second to process it

Chandler was on his tiptoes now, pulling out all the cans of food, from an overhead cabinet, into a rucksack.

"Carl," I said abruptly.


"Someone lives here," I said, whispering slightly. "We need to leave. Now."

"How do you know?" he said, throwing the bag down a folding his arms.

"Because have you ever came across a house so pristine and well-stocked?" I asked, looking into a cabinet with my back to him.

"So?" he said, almost snorting. He picked the bag back up and began loading the rucksack again.

"Stop," I said. The camera followed me walking over to Chandler. I pulled the bag from him. "Just stop it. Why are you such an ass all the time? Because you're the leaders son? Well big deal Carl, congratulations."

"I'm not an ass. You're the ass. You come here and you welcome yourself into our group and you get the comfortable place to lie and the first pick of food and clothes and sometimes even weapons."

"I'm just curious what turned you into an ass is all, I want to know the reason I hate you so much," I said, turning my back to him.

"Oh don't know, maybe it's because I was shot in the chest. Or maybe because I indirectly caused a mans death. I lost my best friend Sophia. Might of been because I had to put the man who rescued mine and my moms life, down after my father shot him. Speaking of my mom, I shot her after delivering my sister with Maggie. I lost Hershel. Your uncle. I watched it happen. I was apart from the people i love for weeks on end, not knowing if they were dead or alive. So maybe you should think before you speak, we've all been through hell to get to this point."

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