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We had dinner in a cheap little diner on a random street. It was an American diner with a British twist, fish & chips and burgers. Very casual. After that, to ruin the ambiance of level-headedness. All the men got in one car and all the woman in the other. I sat next to Melissa and Laurie.

"Can I take a picture for Twitter?" I asked them.

"Of course," Laurie said. The three of us took it. Lauren and Emily were in the background since we had a seven seater. They smiled. I uploaded it.

On our way to see Macbeth with my absolute favourites!! @LaurieHolden @mcbridemelissa @emmykinney @laurencohan @gunnergale and sarah wayne callies x

I had a new notification system turned on. Only if someone who was verified would to tweet me would I get a notification. I got one straight away.

@davidmorrisey64 hurry up help me with lines skye #isthisadaggeriseebeforeme? #twdfamily

Then one from Steven.

@Skye_RMB'@wwwbigbaldhead, @stevenyeun, @chandlerriggs @robertkirkman, Scott, Andrew & I think u girls have a weak selfie game'

We all laughed. I saved the picture. We pulled up to the theatre and got out of the car. Fans of David turned round when they saw us and began to scream even louder. Norman laughed, flicking his nose with his thumb and sticking his tongue out a little.

"Stay near me," Melissa said, gripping my elbow. She smiled and waved.

"You guys ready to have a good night?" Norman asked. They screamed in reply. He and Andrew laughed. Melissa gave Norman a sly look and he calmed down. He walked me into the theatre and mumbled.

"You can go back out," I said.

"I have to wait on David with you," he mumbled. "Melissa said so."

"You'd think she was your mom, not mine," I said. I love saying that. She was mine. He laughed.

"She doesn't think I'm mature enough to be here," he said.

"You just screamed 'You guys ready to have a good night' at the top of your lungs to people standing in line to watch a Shakespearian play, you need to calm down," I said.

"So now you're my mom?" he laughed. I shot him a look. "God, I know it's not possible, but you look a lot like Melissa today."

I smiled. A man suddenly came forward.

"Mr Reedus?" he said.

"Yeah," he replied, turning round.

"Mr Morrissey was wondering if he could see Skye now," he said.

"Sure," he said, edging me forward a little.

"She'll be watching from back stage," he said. "He also requested that a Mr Riggs keeps her company."

"I'll pass the message on to Chandler," Norman said formally. I don't like it when Norman is formal. "Bye sweetheart, see you soon."

"Bye Dad," I said, waving. We walked to the stage. It was bare and David stood centre stage.

"Skye!" he echoed through the hall.

"Davie," I said. He motioned for me to come on stage and he hugged me tightly, lifting me off my feet.

"I've missed you a lot," he said. He walked over to the corner of the stage and lifted a stool over. "Sit down, we need to talk."

"About what?"

"Tell me everything, about the adoption, you and Chandler, I want to hear it all," he said.


m'lady [Mingus Reedus // Chandler Riggs FanFic]Where stories live. Discover now