london calling (part 3)

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We walked over to get our luggage. Mines was the first to appear.

"Oh, there's mine," I said.

"I'll get it," Chandler said.

"No get it," Steven said.

"Let me get it," Norman said.

The exact thing I didn't want to happen. People treating me like a victim all because of a panic attack.

"No, I'll get it," I said, angrily. I pulled it off the belt and sat on it.

"You okay Skye?" Scott asked. I stayed quiet. "Cat got your tongue, huh?"

I laughed. "Yeah, I guess."

"They're making a fuss because they care you know?" he said, philosophically sitting down on a bench. "When you get to my age' it's the same. I'll take this for you, let me get that, gets annoying, doesn't it?"

"Yeah," I mumbled. Scott really is wise old owl, handing out advice when needed.

"Don't worry about it," he said. "They'll all forget soon enough."

After we all got our luggage, we went to rent a car. We got two five seater cars and Andrew's wife came to pick him up.

"I'm sorry I can't provide a place for you all to stay," he said.

"It's alright, see you man and tell Gale we all said hi," Norman said. He went and hugged Andrew. The two of them are very close. In the first car, it was me, Chandler, Norman and Melissa and the other was Steven, Scott, Emily and Lauren. Our hotel was only a half an hour drive away. It was extremely close to the London Eye and in walking distance to places like Big Ben and House of Parliment. I soaked it all up as we drove casually down the road, Norman still getting used to driving on the left. Melissa was happy with the cold breeze fondelling her flowing t-shirt as the window sat ajar.

"I could get used to this weather," Melissa said, slightly turning her head to Norman.

"IT'S LIKE A DANG SPACESHIP IN HERE," Norman said, trying to turn the radio. I leaned forward and tuned to Radio 1.

"I didn't know you had road rage," Chandler said.

"I don't, some people just can't drive," Norman said.

"You included in that?" Melissa teased. He stuck his tongue out cheekily yet lovingly. We pulled up to the hotel and parked the car. The others were here already. Steven stood like someone had just been murdered before him.

"How long you been waiting?" Norman asked.

"10 minutes," Emily said, pale in the face.

"That's impossible, it's a half an hour drive," Melissa said.

"Oh we know," Lauren said.

"How are you so..." I began.

"Scott isn't exactly the most cautious driver," Steven said. Scott shrugged.

"Not got much time left, might as well get stuff done than be done by stuff," he said. "Anyway, let's check in."

"He must of broke the speed limit," I said to Norman.

"Damn, hope I'm as badass as him when I'm older," he said, taking all the luggage from the boot. We walkes into the hotel. It was beautiful. Melissa, Lauren, Emily and I went to deal with checking in.

"Ah, you're here with AMC, correct?" the lady said.

"Yes," Melissa replied.

"Oh, slight problem," the lady said, typing furiously on her computer. "We've been overbooked."

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