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I looked around awkwardly, my breathing becoming more apparent. He knew I didn't like her. That I pretty well damn detested her.

Don't say anything, just smile. Don't be one of those girlfriends.

Chandler rubbed the back of his neck. Will and Gina mumbled uncomfortably. Hana swayed around, pretending she didn't have a clue why it was so awkward.

"SKYEEEE," a voice yelled, wrapping her arms over my shoulders from behind. Good old Laurie always saves the day.

"Laurie!" I yelled back, turning round and properly hugging her.

"What the hell are you doing here?" she laughed, playing with my hair.

"Chandler invited me along," I smiled, looking over to him.

And apparently I'm not alone

"You've not met Jonny yet, have you?" she asked, referring to Jon Bernthal.

"Not yet," I replied, putting my hands in my short pocket. "Maybe later? I've not long landed."

"Okay sweetie, I'll see you soon."

She walked off round a corner and Chandler stood alone. Everyone else cleared off and it was the two of us.

"Care to explain?"

He shook his head.

"I tried to warn you. I text you and you didn't text back."

"Why did you even invite her in the first place, Chandler? You know what she did the last time."

"I want you two to talk," he said, in a raised whisper. "Sort it out. I want you to come to set, the premier. You can't if the two of you can't stand each other!"

"She messed with us Chandler. She almost ruined us. You had to fly half way over the freaking globe to apologise. Are you forgetting this?"

"There's nothing I can do now. She's here. You're here. Deal with it."

"I don't have to 'deal' with anything," I yelled a little. Chandler pushed his hands on my mouth and into the dining hall.

"Keep it down, alright," he said, a little angrily. "I don't want you to go. Please, stay."

I sighed and nodded.

"I'm going to my room now," I said.

"Oh," he awkwardly laughed, rubbing his neck. "About that."

"You've got to be kidding me," I said, already knowing what he was going to say. "There's not a chance in hell."

"Babe," he said, touching my arm. I pulled it away aggressive.

"Don't call me that," I said back. "I'll share with Laurie. Kyla can share with Hana."

I turned to him and he had his petted lip out.

"If you want a kiss it'll have to wait," I taunted. He cocked his head a little. I ran over and kissed his forehead. He held my wrist and I got close to his ear. "Pull anything like this again and I'll chop you're hands off."


Laurie let me share with her, thank goodness. She ordered us a film and pizza and we talked all into the night. In the morning she woke me and we got dressed. I wore dark acid tone jeans and a black coloured top that had 'THE WALKERS' in white up the top and a circle was in the middle. It read 'Rick, Carl, Daryl, Michonne, Cleo'.'

I met Chandler at the breakfast table. He was the first one down. I wrapped my arms round his neck and his were round my waist.

"Good morning, m'lady," he smiled, moving my hair behind my ear.

"Good morning to you, Chandy" I smiled in reply. He laughed and let go off me. I walked off and he smacked my butt with a rolled up newspaper. I squealed a little.

"Oi," I laughed, jumping onto his back. He hoisted me up and took us over to the buffet table.

"What does m'lady request for her breakfast?"

"Well my noble steed," I laughed, ruffling his hair. "I request some of that coffee over there and a nice little bowl of cereal."

"As you wish," he said, bowing forward. I gripped onto him as he did, screeching a little.

"I've got you," he said, grabbing my ankles. I could tell he was smiling by the tone of his voice. "I've always got you."

He got the cereal and cups and carried the tray. I still sat comfortably on his back, my head snuggled into his. His hair smelled amazing. We chatted a little. I leaned over and kissed him on the cheeked as we turned a corner. She sat there, Hana, with the Riggs family. Chandler came to a stop and I slipped down his back, the sound of my feet echoing around the kitchen.

"Good morning," Gina greeted. I nodded in her direction and smiled. "Come join us won't you?"

We sat down immediately. I sat next to Hana purely because I didn't really have to look her way. Breakfast was something I was glad to see the back of.

"Skye," Chandler yelled.

"Yes," I replied, turning round.

"Thank you," he whispered, rubbing my hand with his knuckle. "You're coming with me to the table, right?"

"Of course," I said, letting him lead me to the table. We walked through a crowd and, honestly, just about as many people yelled for me as they did Chandler, but girls yelled mainly for him.

"Doesn't that, like, bother you?" Hana asked, curling her hair round her finger. I blankly turned to her a little. Be nice, I reminded myself.

"Of course not," I said with a fake smile across my face. Kill 'em with kindness. She did not reply.

We reached Chandler's table and I hugged him tightly.


"Yes?" I replied, turning to the unknown voice. It was one of the event organisers.

"I was wondering if we could pull a table over and if people want to they could get your autograph as a bonus."

I turned to Chandler who shrugged his shoulders.

"Thank you sir, but today isn't about me, it's about Chandler."

"Do it," Gina said. "It'd be good for the you."

I nodded. At the moment, anything she said was gospel for me. I knew she preferred Hana. It was clear to me.

A table was pulled over and a chair with some quickly printed out headshots followed. I sighed. This is not what I had planned for today.

m'lady [Mingus Reedus // Chandler Riggs FanFic]Where stories live. Discover now