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Dean and Lizziel drove in silence to Hastings, Minnesota where they were meeting up with Sam and Jack

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Dean and Lizziel drove in silence to Hastings, Minnesota where they were meeting up with Sam and Jack. Dean and Lizziel got out of the impala when they noticed Sam and Jack standing on the road.

"Everyone's gone", Sam said before asking Dean and Lizziel, "You see anybody on the way here?".

"No", Dean replied, looking at ground.

"I couldn't save anybody. Billie", Sam said, sorrow laced in his voice.

"It wasn't Billie. It was Chuck", Dean corrected.

"What?", Sam asked, confusion laced in his voice.

"Where's Cas?", Jack asked, causing Lizziel's eyes to fill up with tears again.

Dean looked at ground causing Sam to ask, "Dean?".

"He saved me", Dean replied, a heartbroken look o his face, "Billie was coming after us, and Cas summoned the empty. It took her. And it took him. Cas is gone".

Jack shook his head in denial while Lizziel let out a sob causing Jack to rush forward and hug her with tears in his eyes.

"This can't be happening", Sam said, refusing to accept it.

"It is, Sam. I think everyone's gone", Dean said. Sam walked away and tried to call people and see if anyone was still alive.

Jack let go of Lizziel causing Dean to walk up to him and say, "Jack, I'm sorry".


The four of them were walking through the town until they found a restaurant. Sam, Dean and Lizziel walked into the restaurant while Jack stayed outside.

"Hey", Dean said pointing to the TV screen that showed an empty football stadium, "It brings a whole new meaning to the term sudden death".

"Guys, do you think we're it? All that's left?", Sam asked, worry and fear laced in his voice.

"I don't sense anybody else", Lizziel replied, in a low voice causing Sam to give her a sad smile.

"You, me, Lizziel and Jack", Dean said.

Jack entered the restaurant and asked, "So, what now?".

"I did this. We could have just given Chuck what he wants, you know, his grand finale. But I resisted. I pulled the thread. I thought we could beat this game, do it better. We tried to rewrite him, and the whole world paid the price", Sam said causing Lizziel to make a sound of disagreement.

"Sam, we can...", Dean tried to say but Sam interrupted him, "We can what? There's nothing left, Dean. No one left to save. Everybody's gone".

"You can't just give up", Jack said.

"What other choice do we have?", Sam asked, anger and hopelessness laced in his voice.

"We have the choice to fight, fight for our loved ones. We have the choice to fight god and make him pay for what he's done", Lizziel exclaimed, determination laced in her voice causing everyone to look at her with shock, "And if you don't want to do that then fine, I'll do it myself".

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