*Chapter 73*

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With the help of Valentina, they eventually reached their destination. Her grandfather's home. The girl felt like a giant hand had closed itself around her heart and throat. She felt like she couldn't breath. All her mind kept bombarding her with was negative outcomes and brutal rejection. Victor was gripped her by her arm when he heard the first gasp and felt her tremble. Now Victor had seen alot of people pretend when things got drastic or when the time called for it. However with one look at her face and body language, he knew this was real. She was having a panic attack. They were still in their vehicle outside of her grandfather's house right now. But both Anyae and Constantine heard her staccato breathing and ragged sobs.

She could practically hear the wheels turning in his head. Then that calculating and searing gaze looked Valentina over. Sympathy welled up within her chest for the girl, so she got out and took her to the back of the truck. There were at least two other men Constantine had in the car behind them, but he made sure Victor still got out and and kept watch. Anyae placed her hand on her back,"Hey! Look at me okay? Take breaths with me and count back from ten."

Valentina maintained eye contact throughout the whole process. Secretly Anyae was relieved when her breathing finally evened out. Even with all that she has tried to do to her. Once she was sure Valentina was fine she led her back to the truck. By that time Constantine was out looking between his wife and Valentina with slight confusion. Victor took hold of her while Constantine took Anyae's hand. She could only imagine how all of this would play out. The doorbell was rang and after a beat they were all let in.

Another woman who looked like an older version of Valentina answered the door and had let them in. Her whole demeanor was cold and indifferent mainly towards Valentina. She cocked her head at all of them,"Constantine Macheibreigh. I remember you at six years old chasing my daughter around the house playing tag. How the years have passed me by. "
Then her eyes zeroed in on  Victor and Anyae.

"Whose the woman?"

Both husband and wife spoke at the same time.

"I'm his wife. "

"That man works for me but this woman is my wife."

A thick tension settled in the room as a nasty sneer formed on the older woman's face. Her head snapped towards Valentina,"You can't do anything right! Not one single thing! Yet he favors you?!"

"Eva don't terrorize my granddaughter. Leave the room now." The new voice that had cut in was from the short older man who just steeped into the room. Though he didn't seem intimidating his words were sharp and clear. Valentina's mother grit her teeth and silently stalked out while her grandfather looked them over.

"Come inside and have a seat, I can see you would like to talk. "

Anyae found herself glancing over at Constantine with a raised brow. Valentina looked like she could pass out at any moment. While Victor has a blank look on his face, Constantine's was serious. As they all came further inside and took a seat the old man eyed Valentina in concern and then looked Constantine square in the eye.

"Who is the woman you've brought with you Constantine? "

The man in question slid his grip into his wife's and met the stare head on,"She is my wife Nicolai. "

Disappointed and a look of finality came over his expression as Nicolai took her in,"I see..."

All of a sudden his gaze was on Valentina but it wasn't angry or sad....no instead it was disappointment. Valentina winced and closed her eyes in resignation. This was it she was sure sooner or later he'd disown her like her mother and kick her out. Victor noticed and placed a hand on her shoulder.

"You failed me granddaughter.... I had hoped you would succeed. You were meant to inherit my vineyard and wine company... But only if you had him as your husband. "

Valentina shot up and pleaded for her grandfather to see reason but he simply ignored her and said to Constantine and Anyae, "Congratulations on your union."

Then he left out. Valentina broke down in tears but Victor helped her up. Victor felt so angry for her and for the first time in a long time he let his emotions speak for him.

"You don't have to kiss his or her ass just to have them accept you. Pack your things and you can come live with me. I can afford to let you stay until you get on your feet. "

Anyae and her husband both said some reassuring words to her and waited until she packed to leave.

Whether it was the start of a friendship was still unknown to  them including Valentina herself.

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