*Chapter 74*

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It was silent on the way back to the hotel until Anyae spoke," Hey.... you okay? I'm sorry that happened like the way it did. "

Valentina found herself shocked and tongue-tied yet again. It took a minute before she could give a response,"I will be....I had a feeling this would be the outcome of my failure but it still doesn't hurt any less though I knew. "

Constantine had been silent since the drive on the way back but he decided to speak.

"You are a strong girl Val...I know you won't let what happened determine how you live."

Valentina smiled and Victor found himself grateful for both their encouraging words. Silence settled in after that but it was as if the tension melted away and left behind a thick blanket of tranquility instead. One that lasted even once they made it to their rooms. Constantine pulled Anyae into his arms and kissed her forehead fondly.

"I'm proud of you. You know she really needed that. When we were young she would always cling to her grandfather even now. Her father died when she was five to a brain aneurysm in his sleep. So she saw Nicolai as her father figure. "

Anyae pondered over that but was distracted when he ran his hands from her waist to her hips.
"How about...we go out for a day of sightseeing, shopping, and later we can have dinner?"

Surprise lit her face before she whipped around to look at him,"Here?!"

"Did I stutter?"

She bit her lip,"No... "

He raised an eyebrow at her,"Well then that's what I meant."

A light warmth began to bloom and travel down her body,"Okay."

Anyae made to walk off but before she could take more than two steps, he grabbed her and pulled her back against him,"Forgetting something?"

He could practically see the gears turning in her head when she answered.

"No? What?"

Constantine snared his hand in her hair,"My kiss."

Trying to be quick, she pecked him on the lips but he kept a hold on her hair.
"Do not be coy with me."

As he growled out the words Anyae tilted her head up to him and gave him a slow tender kiss that her husband turned deep and passionate. He himself was beginning to grow a tad bit warm and comfortable. His wife's body practically melted against his. Constantine languidly trailed his kisses down to the join of her neck. Anyae had to force herself to move away as Constantine looked on in confusion.

"No come here."

A thrill rose up inside her and with every step he took forward she took one back. Until he stopped and stared at her expectantly.

"Lotus, I'm not going to chase you. I will tell you but one time. Get over here."

Anyae quickly spoke,"But you said you were going to take me out!"

Constantine was in front of her in two huge strides. Gently he held her chin," I will....after we fuck."

He was back to kissing her neck but then he stopped and heaved a reluctant sigh. She found herself releasing a breath of relief too when he moved away from her neck.

"Well I suppose we can wait until we get back."

A smile lit her lips as she headed to the bathroom to get ready. Just to be on the safe side though, she locked the bathroom door. Anxiety gripped her the minute she snuck the small pregnancy test from the last drawer. She had managed to sneak it in there when they first got their room, claiming a need to pee and hid it in the bottom drawer.

Apprehension came hard but she ignored how she felt and quickly completed the test and sat it down while she got in the shower to wash. The warmth of the steam and feel of the water managed to relax her so much she was beginning to have doubts about their little outing. Sleep might just hit her to the point of knock out the moment she gets out of the shower. But she made sure to stay awake. After her shower she dried off and cautiously approached the pregnancy test on the counter.

Two red lines....

She was pregnant.
Deep breath in...deep breath out...
She had a suspicion she might be but seeing those two red lines staring back at her solidified the fact. She! Was! Pregnant!!

Another deep breath in.

Time to tell Constantine..

Anyae took her time putting on a robe and brushing her teeth and hair. Then with one last deep breath she unlocked and opened the bathroom door.

"Constantine I've got some news."

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