*Chapter 67*

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Valentina felt frustrated and angry. This wasn't supposed to happen! He wasn't supposed to have a wife?! Let alone one so pretty!? She could tell when she looked at him that he was absolutely smitten with her. As Valentina paced around her hotel room she heard her phone ring and peered at the caller ID. It was her grandfather. A heavy blanket of anxiety settled over her as she contemplated answering the call.  If she answered she could get it over with. On the other hand if she did not she would end up receiving relentless texts and calls from her mother instead. No, she was better off answering the phone.

Hesitantly she answered the call.
(Phone Convo)

"Hey Bubby!"She could practically hear him smiling on the other end.

"Hi Val! How was the trip?"

She silently dragged in a deep breath before she replied," It was good. I slept the whole flight over though!"

Her grandfather chuckled," Only you could combat a fear of heights with sleep! So have you settled in alright?"

Valentina rolled her eyes and smiled,"Yeah the hotel has great room service and even a mini bar. It's great!"

"Well I won't keep you. When you see him tell the boy I said hello. It's been so long since I have seen him... "

Immediately Valentina's mood soured. She felt a bit sorrowful as she agreed to tell him and hung up the phone.
(End of convo)

After the phone conversation she sat on her bed and rubbed her temples. She loved her grandfather but the mention of Constantine dampened her mood. Did he really forget her that easily?! When he crossed her mind, she couldn't help but reminisce. He had grown so much more attractive in her absence. The only thing that hadn't changed about him was his intense intimidating gaze. The one that made it hard to lie to him except now it was worse than what it used to be.

Her grandfather was getting old and the wine company/winery would need a new owner but it came with conditions. His conditions were basically a death sentence to her spirit. In order for her to inherit it she would have to marry Constantine Macheibreigh. She wasn't even sure if she had the heart to tell him that it wouldn't be possible.

If this wasn't done then her grandfather would sell the vineyard and company! Her inheritance would be gone just like that. She felt like shit because  deep down she still cared about Constantine as a friend. The whole situation seemed hopeless.

Not to mention what it would look like to his wife if she went back to try to talk to him. She looked a little jealous when they were over there but then again so was Valentina. She had the one person she used to be able to see herself with. The flush from the bathroom shook her out out her silent reveries.

Elisa huffed as she took in the Valentina's thoughtful expression.

"Please tell me you're not daydreaming again?!"

Valentina sighed and placed her head in her hands,"No Elisa it's.....just that this feels wrong! The whole situation! Everything about it rubs me the wrong way!"

Elisa sighed and sat down beside her on the small couch.

"Look Val. I know this all feels like its going downhill but this is your chance! I know you. I get it you care about him as a friend still but I also know that deep down inside you still harbor feelings for this man. Now you have a chance, however slim to pursue and have him all to yourself once and for all!

Valentina ran her hands through her hair but she still looked bummed out.

Elisa pursed her lips, "OK if it makes you feel better just think of what it will finally be like to have him all to yourself. Not on the negatives. Only positives. "

Valentina slowly smiled and closed her eyes as she pictured Constantine with his hand outstretched to her, waiting for her.

Yeah only the positives....

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