§*Chapter 2*§

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Anyae sighed and slowly started to walk off, her mind completely stuck and her depression beginning to weigh heavy on her mind. "Anyae!" Someone was shouting her name....Anyae turned around and was met with the one person she was beginning to hate more and more.

"Daddy? You got alot of nerve...." Her father shook his head and quickly motioned her into his car. After thinking about it and him pleading with her she finally got in with him. "Where are we going?"

"To see if I can scrape up some more money for your mother's treatment and hospital fees."

Sighing in defeat she went with him, out of the night and into a strip club called DreamCity. All around there were barely dressed strippers dancing, some giving lap dances to their male (and some female) audiences, and some doing less than honorable acts in the dark corners of the club. Anyae tried not to pay attention and stayed close behind her father as they walked through the club. Once they came to the back of the club her father stopped at a door with a golden name plate adorning its bare frame, Mr.John scrawled in the plate in perfect cursive lettering. She was about to go in with him but he shooed her away and she walked back towards the front. As she walked, Anyae felt a pair of eyes on her and looked around but kept walking.
To the bar! Anyae finally got to the bar and ordered a soda. Geez I hope I never have to work in a place like this.. As she waited and waited it got later and later and as the customers and people dwindled down pretty soon it was just Anyae, her father, and Mr.John there. Having to use the bathroom when she came back she found her father unconscious and lying on the floor. Mr.John was gone but in front of her father stood a bunch of men.

"W-what did you do to him?!" A heavy set man with a low cut blond fade and menacing dark eyes answered, "He's not dead...he's just grazed, he passed out and you are?"

"His daughter!"

They all looked at each other and parted as their leader stepped through. The leader was a tall man of '6 ft 4' with a straight posture and an intimidating aura about him. Slightly wavy dark brown hair topped his head, light stubble graced around his lips, and piercing evergreen eyes demanding immediate attention. He was extremely broad shouldered with a muscular build and fair smooth skin. His appearance floored her immediately and as her gaze slowly traveled up his body she met his eyes and began to feel an unwanted heat emerse her and less than Christian thoughts fog her mind. With a sharp ass jawline, slender nose, and soft full dusty pink lips to go. At first he just stood there staring at her then he motioned her into Mr.John's office. As he stared at her he silently took in her features.

Her beauty was astonding to him, absolutely breathtaking. With hair as ebony and sleek as a raven's wing, attentive hazel eyes possessing long lashes, smooth golden lighter than caramel skin, and full rosy lips. "Hello cara, do you know who I am?" Oh my gosh this man's voice... His voice was pure sex, deep with a slightly husky timbre, smoother than any fresh silk or satin and a hint of a foreign accent tied it all together. An absolute lethal weapon.


He raised his eyebrows at her," I am Constantine Macheibreigh...and unfortunately you're father has a debt to be payed...."

"Wouldn't be the first nigga he owed..."

Constantine narrowed his eyes at her,"All jokes aside tesoro you need to figure out how to settle his debt seeing as he is injured and your mother is in serious medical care..."

"How did you know about my mom?!"

"I have my ways...."

"Well uh....I do work so when I get my welfare check I'll-"

"Ms.Dupre...I'm not in a gaming mood..."

Ooh yess his voice good Lord his voice!

Anyae sobered up immediately,"How much does he owe you?"

Constantine sat back in his chair, lazily grabbed a pen and a scrap of paper then wrote down the number and passed it to her. She couldn't help but let her gaze wash over his palms and his slender dexterous fingers. Anyae looked over the small scrap of paper and went pale.

"Oh my damn...how the fuck do you expect me to pay all that back to you?!"

Constantine gave Anyae a slow sweep over with his piercing gaze and then sat up, rubbing his chin," Perhaps we can come to an understanding this way...how about this then as a way of payment you will agree to marry me within seven days then as payment every other month you will receive an allowance to pay for the cost of the medical bills and any other billing afterward and instead of you working off your payment you just play the role of a doting wife."

Anyae was quiet for a moment, just staring at him until her lips finally began to part and she spoke her piece. "Why would you want me to marry you and why in seven days?"

"That is not of importance as of right now."

Anyae felt her anger begin to takeover. "What the hell did my father do to any of you?!"

Constantine's eyes darkened, yet his expression remained neutral. He leaned forward against the desk,"Watch your language with me cara I don't like a woman without manners, show me some respect or I'll show you some discipline."

His tone had gone from its smooth velveteen caress to a deep icy warning. Within seconds her momentary courage was banished from existence and replaced with sheer silent fear and smoldering desire just from his voice and tone alone. This man meant business...

Anyae in MM

A Love Too CorruptTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang