§*Chapter 16*§

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After Anyae's bath she drifted off to sleep safe in her room and away from Constantine.

The Next Day~*ฯθ~*ฯθ~*ฯθ~*ฯθ

Anyae woke with sudden eagerness. The cause of her happiness lay asleep in the master bedroom down the hall. Well...let us rephrase that...the cause of her eagerness lay down the hall. But then a scowl quickly replaced it. What is wrong with her?!

Dammit Anyae get it together! This man is trying to win your favor like Acel did. He just wants to break you down. Don't let him! Oh god but it was so hard not to...

Anyae got up and went downstairs, clicked on the radio,  and was rummaging through the kitchen for ingredients. Baking powder....check, milk....check, eggs whites....check, flour....check, sugar...check, bananas...check...yep everything I need is here!! Inside Anyae was doing a little jig from giddiness. Gathering all her ingredients she began mixing her wet and dry ingredients and added four drops of vanilla to the pancake batter and only egg whites.

Constantine was still asleep until he smelled bacon and vanilla wafting within the air. His eyes slid open as he deeply inhaled. The fuck?

Motivated by the smells coming from downstairs he got up and made his way to the bathroom for a nice hot shower.
Constantine felt his mind ease his muscles slightly relax under the constant therapeutic water pressure steady on his back and over his face and hair. It had been nearly half an hour when Constantine got out of the shower.

By the time Constantine came downstairs, he was fully dressed and starving. Anyae was standing at the sink in a white tank top, hot pink booty shorts, and knee high fuzzy socks with her hair up in a messy bun washing dishes. Cazzo! She looks delectable... Stealthily he stalked towards her, coming up behind her back and oh so slowly ran his finger down her spine. Anyae gasped as her back arched reflexively at the action and without turning around she closed her eyes tightly and bit her lip. Heat overtook her body as he pressed himself into her and ran his lips along her ear, hands finding rest at her hips. "Naughty naughty...such a tempting little number to wear around the house...," he ran his hands over her ass and up her flat stomach.  "Where is my plate?"he asked, his lips ghosting up her neck nibbling on her ear. "Its on t-the table.." Constantine let go of her and went to go eat in the living room. "Once I eat get dressed....I'm taking you to visit someone..." Anyae's brows rose in intrigue as she finished the dishes and quickly bound back up the stairs. Visit who?!

Slight excitement travel up her spine. He's taking me somewhere!  As she washed the dishes she started to hum and bob her head a little. Constantine watched her while he ate, a nice warmth beginning to bloom in his heart. He may not love her just yet but she was slowly beginning to root herself in his heart and mind. In a way he knew this should worry him but it eased him. He liked that she was beginning to mean something to him. Dangerous or not he felt for her. Now he just had to keep her from knowing.

God help him..

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