§*Chapter 52*§

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Mrs.Macheibriegh had become disturbingly quiet now and Constantine's father was just as grim at his son was.

Enrico leaned forward,"Explain the whole situation to us. Everything."

Constantine took another deep breath to calm his anger and begun to explain.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Anyae sat on Constantine's old bed, bored and trying to figure out what was so important that she had to leave the room for him to tell them? She had half a mind to go and eavesdrop on them but she trusted Constantine and decided against it. Plus she was pretty sure that his father would know she was. So Anyae looked around the room and started to rummage in his dresser. There was a small dark blue photo album with the words Childhood Memories scrawled in gold lettering on the cover.

She flipped it open and started to look through the pictures. There was a picture of him at 5 months old, with tomato sauce smeared across his mouth. He was laughing and had spaghetti in his hair, on his tummy and all over the floor. Anyae smiled and continued to look through the photo album. There were more cute pictures of him as a baby and a toddler. All of them were happy ones but after those there were pictures of him at one but that was all. There were no more showing his as a kid.

"Curiosity killed the cat."

Anyae jumped at the sudden sound of Constantine's deep voice. She turned to look at him and placed at hand over her racing heart.

"Don't do that!"

Constantine laughed and plucked the photo album from her hands to put away. Anyae bit her lip but went ahead and asked her question,"Why aren't there pictures of you as a kid?"

He turned to look at her as a blank look of indifference washed over his face,"I don't know what you mean."

"Where are the rest of the pictures?"

"There are no more pictures. There was no need for any more."

"But why-,"


Anyae took a step back at the forceful tone of his voice and the darkened state of his eyes. Anyae felt hurt and now angry," Well excuse me for wanting to know more about the man I married. I know nothing about you but you know loads about me! You even knew my parents before I knew yours! So why can't I know more about you?!
You leave me there at the house whenever you go and I'm lonely and by myself. Then you can't even confide in me like you do your parents, hell the night you came injured and angry you basically shunned me!"

By now Anyae started to cry. Constantine felt remorse and tried to reach for her but she shook her head and slapped his hands away.

"No! Just move...," she pushed past him and angrily left downstairs and towards the door. Thank god their kitchen isn't close to their living room... She hurriedly walked outside and towards their car, not wanting to give him a chance to talk to her. Constantine groaned and ran his hand through his hair in frustration. He could admit he was wrong but maybe she was being just a little overdramatic. He didn't want to make matters worse by telling her that so he decided to just wait until she calmed enough to want to talk to him again. He headed towards the kitchen and let his parents know that he was heading home. Then he headed towards their car and got in the driver seat. Anyae glanced at him once but otherwise didn't say anything to him. Halfway back to the house Constantine noticed two black trucks following them. As they neared he inwardly cursed but kept an outward calm.

"Anyae I need you to reach into the glove compartment and get two guns."

Anyae looked at him in alarm,"What?! Why?!"

"Because we have company."

Anyae's eyes shot to the mirror on her side of the car and widened when she realized what he meant.

He looked at her just as she looked at him,"Get ready."

She looked at him in fright as she screamed in her mind.

For what?!

A Love Too CorruptWhere stories live. Discover now