§*Chapter 19*§

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Anyae's grip had tightened ever so slightly on the handles of her mother's wheelchair. Her movement began to slow as she faintly registered that Constantine had stopped walking. ( Something wasn't right....) Anyae's fingertips had began to feel all tingly and she knew that with one tense look and slight gesture of his head, that it was time to return her Mom. Without a word Anyae followed that cue and put her mom in the car, waiting for Constantine to get in. Constantine gave another gesture to someone she couldn't see and like out of nowhere Vic stepped out from a car nearby and headed straight towards their car.

Constantine stayed unmoving and ignored the alarmed look that Anyae was giving him, gesturing slightly with his head to Vic. Vic gave a small nod and got around to the driver's seat, pulling away from the park and heading towards the treatment center. Though he knew his boss could take care of himself he craved to be back at that park..instead of suffering Anyae's outraged pinning gaze. Her mother was unusually quiet and grabbed Anyae's hands in hers. "I may be old Anyae but I ain't stupid...I know an act when I see one. You worried about that boy...I know what he does and who he is...He came clean to me but just because he did so to me doesn't mean he'll be so willing to do so with you. That boy has been hurt before...be patient with him you hear me?"

Anyae stared her mother in her eyes as she felt her squeeze just a little tighter and nodded," I will Momma...I'll try to be..."

Mrs.Dupre nodded and closed her eyes for the time being as they rode on in silence. On the way there Anyae held her mother's hands and hummed. She knew to Vic it seemed extremely odd but it helped calm her nerves.

Sabrina smiled at the sound of her daughter's voice and rubbed her hands reassuringly. Anyae looked out the window the whole while until Vic pulled up at the front of the treatment center. Anyae inwardly sighed and helped her mom out the car with Vic. A nurse met them at the door with a wheelchair and helped Sabrina into it. Anyae bent and kissed her Mom's forehead then squeezed her hand and walked back and got into the car. Vic got back into the car and drove off and towards her jailhouse ahem home.

The silence throughout the ride was unbearable so Anyae chose to speak.

"Why did you leave Constantine back at the park?"

"I had to, those were my orders."

"But why?"

"Look that's a question meant for the boss not me."

"No! I wanna know now!"

Vic grit his teeth and said nothing in reply. Anyae glared angrily at the back of his head as they finally turned into the driveway.

"So you're just going to ignore me?!"

No reply



Anyae huffed in frustration and once they parked she left him in the car. Vic pinched the bridge of his nose, feeling a major headache coming on.
This girl would be the death of him all right.... They had just arrived and already he had a headache...

A Love Too CorruptWhere stories live. Discover now