§*Chapter 28*§

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"Constantine where are we going?" He didn't say a word and continued driving without replying or sparing her a glance. What the hell is up with him? One moment we're cuddling and kissing then the next he's giving me the silent treatment!

Anyae huffed and pursed her lips, wracking her brain as to why he would do that. She came up absolutely clueless.

I'm going to get him to talk to me one way or another.... A sly grin formed on her lips and quickly she concealed it with a mask of indifference. Chancing a quick glance at his face out of her peripheral vision she laid her palm on his knee. She looked over at him again. Nothing... Guess I'll have to try harder... Anyae slowly slid her hand up and along his thigh. Excitement crawled up her toes and outward to the rest of her body.

Constantine's body went tense and his grip around the steering wheel grew tight and pale. "Fermata." Anyae's hand halted in its exploration and slowly she looked up at him. Without her noticing he had somehow managed to pull the car over. He fixed her with a harsh glare,"Don't. Ever. Do that again while I'm driving..." He sounded vicious and not in a good way. Great he made me feel guilty again... Anyae removed her hand and stared out the window until they got to their destination. Twenty minutes later the car stopped. Anyae followed him out the car,"I'm sorry..." Constantine didn't respond back but slowed his stride and allowed her to grab a hold of his hand.

The feel of her smaller hand slipping into his larger one caused a plesant warm feeling to settle in his stomach and immediate calm to wash over him. As they walked into an olive green two story house Anyae felt her heart beat pick up tremendously. This is it....I get a full view of his other lifestyle...

Almost as if he could feel her anxiety he brushed his thumb on the back of her hand and gently squeezed it. Anyae leaned up and kissed his cheek but he still didn't look at her until she raised their interlocked hands and kissed the back of his palm. Constantine's head snapped towards her so fast she thought he would break his neck. His eyes had darkened and grew heavy-lidded. Lips parted in surprise he watched her drag her lips back and forth against the back of his hand. "Anyae...." She met his gaze and kissed the inside of his palm. "Mm?" Anyae continued to kiss up his fingers and to his fingertips. 

"Baby as much as I enjoy your lips on my skin I have to stop you. If I don't I'll be forced to return us home and remedy my frustration."

Confusion remained scrawled on her face but then snapped to realization and embarrassment.

He's getting turned on by this......Maybe I should go a bit further....no I'll cut him some slack. 

Constantine grabbed her hand in his again and showed her around the place until he had one of his men jog up to him and whisper something in his ear. Constantine narrowed his eyes and smiled maliciously at whatever that goon told him. "It's been quite a while since he's visited me hasn't it? He's requested an audience with me hm? Ok then. Where is he waiting Rudy?

"He's waiting in the front portion of the building sir."

"How many does he got with him?"

"Two men sir."

"He's planning something with this meeting and he's hoping I won't be able to see through all of the bullshit and notice foulplay once he's earned an audience with me."

Rudy nodded,"Well what do you want me to go say to him boss?"

"Tell him yes and then you and Nico escort him to my office but wait inside with them until I get there."

"Yes sir," Rudy had just started to jog off with Nico but before he left Constantine called out to him.

"Oh and Rudy?"


"Make sure you and Nico watch them very closely, understand?"

Nico and Rudy both looked at eachother and nodded then jogged off to escort the waiting guest to their bosses office.

Constantine finally turned towards Anyae,"Come on Lotus." He tugged her along with him and signaled a redheaded man and blackhaired man to follow behind.

Aw man where he taking me now?!

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