*Chapter 69*

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After getting ready Anyae followed Constantine to the door feeling half excited and half nervous. Both a confusing mix of emotions to feel at the same time. When they got on the road, Constantine could both feel and see that she wasn't herself. She remained silent for most of the ride and kept playing with her fingers. Concern was beginning to root itself within him.

The tension was there so he decided to cut to the chase,"Mia bella, dove sei? Sei così lontano..."

Anyae bit her lip and glanced over at him,"Oh! Mi...mi dispiace di essermi persa nella mia testa per un minuto. Sai, solo pensando ad alcune cose."

A soft look came over his features and he gently took her hand in his then kissed it. "Trust me Lotus I'll be there with you." As he drove Constantine stopped by Vic's house to pick him up. Anyae took to watching the scenery fly by out the window while her husband and Vic talked. Eventually they pulled up at a sophisticated looking tailor shop called Belucchi's. She got out with him and waved goodbye to Victor as he pulled off.

Anyae decided to go ahead and voice her concerns, "Ummmm sooo why did he just leave us?"

A snicker left her husband's lips as they walked into the shop.

"What's funny?!"

A full blown grin bloomed on his face as he looked down at her with fond amusement," He'll be back to pick us up once I give him the call."

"Oh. So then why am I here with you then?"

"Because this shop is not just a tailor shop but a clothing store too and very well known for their clothes. I am not going to be the only one finding their evening wear here."

To be honest she still kinda felt confused but she didn't want to give him another chance to pick.

As soon as they got in a beautiful couple came from the back of the shop. Both graced them with smiles and spoke,"Ah Constantine! So nice to finally lay eyes on you once again. With a girl too this time!"

Constantine smiled and gently pulled his wife close to him, full blown smile adorning his lips.

After some quick but friendly introductions. Anyae watched as he talked and Rena and Jonathan's eyes lit up.

It wasn't long before Rena was leading her away from the men and into another part of the shop. She didn't feel on edge just by being around her or alone with her. So rather than fully letting her guard down, she stayed wary and vigilant of any suspect behavior she might show. As they walked Anyae finally picked up that this part of the shop was for women. Her eyes roved all over the place. The moment they stopped they landed on this gorgeous floor length dress. The material was very light and kept a classic mermaid style.

Rena glanced over at Anyae's possessive stare,"See something you want?"


Rena's burst of laughter broke Anyae out of her trance.

"OK love. Trish!? Grab the dress while I go get her accessories okay?"

A petite redhead girl popped out from the very back of the boutique somewhere and  went immediately  to go grab the dress.

Before Anyae could say hey, Rena had dragged her off to go get some accessories to complement the dress. Not even ten minutes later they had found matching heels, earrings, a bracelet, and a bedazzled clutch to go with it.

Anyae thanked Rena and walked back up to the front of the shop with her. Constantine caught sight of her face and grinned as he stepped up to the front checkout counter.

"How much?"

Jonathan smiled and shook his head then handed him the bagged packages,"No charge. You're family to us Constantine. "

He looked surprised but then smiled faintly and thanked the couple. Once that was finished Victor picked them up again except he wasn't going the way home.

"Um....where we going?"

Constantine side-eyed her and smiled coyly,"You'll see."

Irritation crossed her face and she pursed her lips at him,"Really?"

"Yes really. "

A wide grin bloomed on his lips as he leaned over and kissed her cheek. Anyae had took to watching the scenery outside the window again as they rode to their destination. The ride there was quiet and so serene to the point where she almost fell asleep. Before she could fully settle into dreamland, arms encircled her waist and pulled her onto a lap. Anyae was startled awake by the movement and stretched, her eyes rolling back to sleep. But Constantine wouldn't let her sleep and everytime he felt her body relax he would shake her awake.

After a while they finally got to their destination. Constantine led her out and the moment she was her eyes landed on the building. A huge smile graced her lips as relief and shock stirred within her.

A spa?!

(A/N: Mia bella, dove sei? Sei così lontano = My beautiful, where are you? You are so far away)) (Oh! Mi...mi dispiace di essermi persa nella mia testa per un minuto. Sai, solo pensando ad alcune cose = Oh! I'm...sorry I got lost in my head for a minute. You know, just thinking about some things))

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