§*Chapter 42*§

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Three days later in Maui

Anyae was biting her lip and tightly gripping both Hamani and Tahnah's arms. The wedding was supposed to be quick so Anyae just went with something moderately formal. Her friends were told they could wear semi formal clothes since it would be a short process. Everyone just went semi formal. It would be on a private part of the beach today as per Constantine's reasurrance. Both Hamani and Tahnah had led Anyae by her arms to the private part of the beach. It was both a relief and slight shock to her just how close the condo they stayed in was to the beach.

As they got closer to the beach Anyae could feel her heart begin to race. She slipped off her heels and held them then looked to both Hamani and Tahnah. In response they gave her a reassuring squeeze on the arm.

As they walked closer she finally saw her fiancé. Anyae felt her breath catch and her body beginning to warm at the sight of him. He was looking out at the ocean when he caught movement out the corner of his peripheral vision. His hair was slicked back , he was dressed in a white dress shirt and crème suit pants but he was momentarily barefoot. Just as her eyes were taking him in, his began doing the same.

As her friends led her closer to the altar where he stood. Anyae stopped and turned to face him as their wedding performer, a man who she hadn't noticed was there, began.

Anyae nervously took a breath and both her and Constantine looked at him as he spoke. Instead of spouting off the normal formalities he skipped straight to the I do part.

"Anyae Nevera Miyann Dupre do you take Constantine do be your husband?"

Anyae glanced at Constantine then back at the man in front of them,"I do."

The man looked at Constantine and asked him a similar question.

Con replied back I do.  Con's cousins had passed the ring down to him and Anyae's friends passed her his wedding band. She felt warm as they both slipped the rings on each others fingers. The man infront pronounced them both husband and wife then gave them the okay to kiss. Anyae turned back towards Constantine and leaned forward. He leaned in just as she did and pressed his lips against hers, pulling her closer as the kiss turned from sweet to passionate.

She felt as if her knees were going to buckle if they kept at it but thankfully he pulled away. He took ahold of her hand as the others followed behind.

"Where are we all going now Con?"

"We don't have time for a honeymoon, we need to get back so we are all packing to leave."

Anyae sagged a little at that and tried to mask her hurt and disappointment but he had already caught her look. He stopped in place and so did the others.

Antonio and Luca both looked at each other then back at them,"Hey Con...everything ok?"

Constantine just nodded and waved them off.

Antoni and Luca turned and pulled a concerned Hamani and Tahnah along with them.

Once he saw them disappear into the building he turned his full attention to his wife. He took both of her hands in his and gazed intensely at her,"What's wrong Lotus. Aren't you happy?"

She sighed and looked down at their intertwined hands. "Constantine...I am happy I just...don't see why we have to skip a honeymoon and go home..."

"Because the business at home that I need to take care of is more important than a few measly days here."

Anyae felt hurt from the careless comment and yanked her hands from his grasp. "What business could be more important than that?!"

Constantine remained calm,"I have to figure out who ordered the hit on your mom."


Anyae nodded, feeling shame come over her and tried to walk ahead but he caught her wrist and pulled her back against him.

Her eyes slid shut as his lips nipped and trailed the shell of her ear. "I'm sorry we can't have the honeymoon you want but I promise I will make it up to you when we get home ok?"

She nodded and bit her lip as he pulled her along with him to the condo.

Wonder what he's gonna do to make it up to me then...

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