§*Chapter 63*§

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When they got home Constantine took Anyae by the hand and led her into the kitchen. The moment she sat down at the island, he was looking her over for wounds or bruises. His large hands cupped her face gently and turned her head from side to side. She heard the worry and saw the concern in his expression and eyes.

"Did he rape you?"

Anyae shook her head no.

"Are you hurt?"

Lightly she touched the small knot at the back of her head and winced. He gently touched it and went to get her an ice pack for swelling and a cup of water with Aleve.

She took the Aleve and placed the ice pack gently on the knot. Her heart warmed at the gesture and the forehead kiss he gave her. Hesitantly he moved back and after telling her to stay there he went upstairs. Anyae watched him disappear upstairs and as she waited for him to come back her mind couldn't help but wander back to Haley. Replays of her shooting Haley kept rolling at the forefront of her mind.

I didn't feel anything when I shot her. Does that make me a monster now?

When Constantine came back down he led her upstairs, to their bedroom, and then the bathroom. Anyae was starting to feel fuzzy inside once she saw he ran a bath for her. He had even picked her out some comfy clothes. She turned around to thank him but he had already left and shut the door. Stripping down she eagerly got in and started to bathe. He came back in with a comb and some shampoo. She was thinking of what to say but as he wet her hair and got to work on it the silence had begun to feel less empty and more comfortable.

As he worked he heard and watched her lean her head into his touch. She sighed in content and hummed as he ran his fingers through. Using black cumin seed and moroccan oil he worked it from her ends to the roots then he massaged it into her scalp. Anyae closed her eyes and hummed, thoroughly enjoying the head massage. Constantine finally finished it and put her hair into bantu knots. Then he pulled out a headscarf and wrapped her hair in it.

He did my hairrrrr!! Once he put down the hair supplies he picked up the washcloth and started to wash her. Anyae was beginning to feel like he was spoiling her. She could have melted from how sweet he was being. He kept swatting her hand away each time she tried to help so she just gave up and let him do his thing. Finally finished, he drained the water and helped her out of the tub.

She didn't bother trying to dry herself. He did that too and left her to get dressed. By the time she came into their bedroom he had brought her food and sweet tea.

Anyae was at a loss for words. Con kissed her cheek and sat at the end of the bed. Since she was already eating and not paying attention to him, he grabbed her foot and started to knead the arches of her foot with his thumbs. Being caught off guard Anyae jumped the moment he made contact with them.
His eyes shot up towards hers but he kept his grip on her foot and just continued massaging them.

She again, tried pulling her feet from him but he still wouldn't let go. He squeezed her foot and narrowed his eyes at her. He kept applying varying degrees of pressure to certain areas of her foot that seemed the most strained. Anyae had given up on eating by now and was enjoying the free foot massage.

Her worries about her state of mind were dissolving and immediately silenced. Constantine pressed a little harder and was rewarded a moan. Then he spoke.

"Anyae... I know something is wrong. You have something that's been on your mind since we got back home."

She tensed and looked down as she bit her lip. Damn.....

"Tell me. Now."

Sighing she finally met his burning gaze," I just....I.. Con I killed someone today! I shot another human being and I felt no remorse! I..didn't feel anything when I shot her and that worries me Con!"

Constantine stopped massaging her foot and pulled her onto his lap. He rubbed soothing circles on her back and kept his eyes on hers as he spoke," Just because you didn't feel sympathy for her that does NOT make you a monster bambina. Imagine if it was the other way around. Do you think she'd have shown you sympathy?"

Anyae looked down," No."

"Exactly. So you're not a monster and I don't want you ever thinking so. Understand?"

She nodded and took in a relieved breath. Constantine gently cupped her face and pressed a kiss to her forehead and the tip of her nose then took her plate and got in bed beside her to sleep. Both with peaceful minds.

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