§*Chapter 17*§

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Anyae bounded back down the stairs in a light pink blouse, leather pants, and ankle boots. Her hair was up in a bow atop her head and made her look cute in her outfit. Once she was at the bottom of the steps she felt the slow calculated feeling of Constantine's gaze sweep all over her. Anyae followed him all the way to the garage on the side of the house.

Immediately her mouth hung open in awe as she took in the many cars in it,"Daaaaaaammn....." Constantine smirked and took her hand leading her to his favorite car. A nice cherry red 2016 Audi. "I like your car....,"she bit her lip and ran her hand along the side it's smooth cool exterior. "I know you do...," Constantine crept up behind her and licked up her neck, sucking on her earlobe.

Anyae squeezed her legs together tightly feeling herself begin to moisten as a breathy mewl escaped her. "If you're a good girl...I'll let drive it..."

"Okay...." Constantine pressed a kiss behind her ear and slapped her ass hard. Anyae gave him the stink eye and he just grinned winking as he opened the passenger door for her. With a smirk he slid into the driver's seat and pressed a button, the engine roaring to life. Before they peeled down the road she leaned over him, purposely brushing her breasts against his chest and her lips against his cheek and ear. "Seatbelt..." Constantine narrowed his eyes at Anyae as she sat back down in her seat and smiled at him smugly as he murmured, "Touché..."

Time Skip ^-^

Constantine pulled up to the Up ten treatment center and parked in a vacant parking space. Anyae and Constantine both exited the car his expression neutral and hers unreadable. "Um...Constantine...why are we here?" Constantine remained silent and gave a demure little smile as he laced his hand with hers. "Constant-mmh!" Anyae was cut off with a swift kiss to her lips.

She tried in vain to fight him at first. But oh so slowly her resolve wore down as he deepened the kiss.

His hand snaked around her waist and brought her closer to his body, his other hand slipping down her back and coming to rest on her ass. With a squeeze and rub to her leather clad booty he bit then pulled her bottom lip into his mouth. Anyae moaned into his mouth and despite being in public she was in that moment blissfully ignorant to any nosy eyes. When he finally broke the kiss Anyae was practically floating on air. "No more questions until we return home? Understood?" Anyae nodded absentmindledly and let him pull her along with him.

Practically itching to ask who they were visiting and fearing it was her mom. They made their way to the reception desk and asked which room Sabrina Dupree was staying in.

The receptionist, a pretty black haired woman wearing scrubs and a ridiculous amount of makeup was ogling Constantine pretty hard but he was ignored her flirting all together. "I would sincerely appreciate if you would just tell me the room number my mother-in law is in."

As in..." Anyae tightened her hand in his and squeezed it when he finally looked her in the eye. "I know where it is...come on before I knock this bitch teeth down her throat..." Constantine gave a slight chuckle as she pulled him with her to the room.

The receptionist was taken aback a bit, embarrassment written all over her face. "She's in room 201..." With that Anyae aggressively pulled him along to the room with her a slight chuckle escaping his lips.

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