*Chapter 79*

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His parents had all but vacated his mind and for a while everything was peaceful. But the peace didn't last long. His ringtone cut through the silence and disrupted the moment. Anyae's lips pursed just a bit and he could pretty much pick up by now that she was irritated. Right now he shared that same irritation but the call could be important. She watched him pick up the phone and answer, her ire beginning to grow. Abruptly she got up and just walked off towards the kitchen. She was trying not to be mad she really was but...that was hard when most of the time he wasn't home and she was left alone.

She didn't have to look to see if he was coming because she knew he was. The call had been quick and Constantine tried to pull her towards him but she stepped back. Arms folded across her front and her lips in that angry pout of hers.

"Anyae please let's not do this now."

Her teeth began to knaw on her bottom lip,"You leaving again?"


"Don't play with me Constantine I'm serious. What was that call about?"

"I just told you I'm not and you know what it was about!"

"If you're going to leave go ahead. We both know you're going to anyway."

He ran a hand down his face and closed his eyes,"Anyae please. I don't want to argue with you. Just tell me what you want and we can try to compromise ok?"

"I want you home with me and for once letting someone else handle what soon you shouldn't have to. I'm pregnant. This will be my first baby. So forgive me for wanting my husband to be with me throughout my entire term. But under the circumstances I'd say I have a right."

Slowly her husband stepped closer to her and pulled her into a reassuring embrace.

She was stuck. He didn't engage in the argument...he was trying to be complacent with her. She felt like an asshole now. As his hands traced soothing patterns and circles into her back, his wife found her anger ebbing away into peacefulness. Distantly her conscience let her know how shitty her behavior was towards him. This moment felt nice then he was humming. Anyae gently took his face in her hands and pressed light kisses all over. Except it was slow and unhurried, careful and sensuous. She knew the moment he let go because his body relaxed and a soft deep purr like rumble began from his chest.

He laid his forehead against hers," Are you still angry with me?"

She shook her head,"No.. I'm sorry I was a bitch... let's eat. I think I'm just hungry..."

She watched him turn from her and make his way over to the stove."Yes let's. What do you want to eat?"

As he said this he was rolling up his sleeves and moving to grab ingredients from the fridge. But the moment he went to grab the handle she put her hands on her hips and cleared her throat.

"Um, excuse me fast ass but what you doin?"

Constantine tilted his head at her like one of those dogs do when they're confused.

"What does it look like?"

She pursed her lips and rolled her eyes,"I cooked you know. "

His eyebrows shot up and a wide smile took over.

"For me? What were you wearing? Those little shorts I like? Hm? Were you prancing around my kitchen  barely dressed Anyae? Cooking our meal like my good little housewife?"

He watched her lips pull into a smirk and her eyes roll," Were you here you could have seen for yourself."

Constantine stepped forwards while she stepped back a hungry look in his eyes,"I'm right here. Show me now."

"We have to eat remember?"

She laughed as he groaned out his frustration. He was sitting by the time she brought his plate and eating by the time she sat down. Constantine had been tempted to sit her on his knee and feed her from his plate. As he went to reach for her she tutted and slapped his hands.

"Stop playing and eat please."

The meal looked and tasted great. From how Mrs. Dupre talked about her daughter she taught her well. He would miss Mrs.Dupre she was full of wisdom and good humor. After they ate he could tell that Hamani was back on his wife's mind. Her eyes had taken on a certain look and it was clear she was trying and failing to mask it.
He almost smiled, her poker face was serious but it was practically transparent with him. He'd been around her long enough to know. Anyae could feel his eyes burning a hole into her face and met his gaze nonchalantly.


He took both of the plates and placed them into the dishwasher,"It won't do any good dwelling on it right now. We'll handle it in the morning."

"I wasn't even thinking about her!"


She folded her arms and looked at her husband.


He chuckled and shook his head then he walked towards her and took her hands in his.

"I love you stubborn woman. When I think of you as a mother I'm humbled. I imagine you with our baby, how you'll parent her, do her hair. Then I picture us as a family. "

He was pleased to see that even though he was sincere, she practically melted at that.
The incident from earlier was forgotten.

He believed he was off the hook but she caught his arm as he headed to the shower.

"I'm going to need a promise from you."

Quick confusion and intrigue had him turning slowly to her with raised eyebrow.

"Yes Anyae?"

"When we handle the issue with Hamani, you leave the rest to somebody else."

Constantine searched his wife's face and knew she meant business, what the consequences would be if he didn't listen could be serious.

Just when things might finally even out she puts me between a rock and a hard place....

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