§*Chapter 24*§

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Constantine took Anyae's hand in his and journeyed up the steps and into the mansion. There were a lot of people both inside and outside but Anyae was only just starting to notice. "Oh.....,"her attentive hazel eyes grew wide in shock and her hand rhythmically squeezed the life out of his. "Don't be scared baby they don't bite unless you give them reason to.....I'm right here with you ok?" Anyae nodded slowly and squeezed his hand.

Uh oh...they're staring at us.... Guys, children, teens, and a couple of women took double takes, openly stared, or just glanced multiple times at them. Constantine nodded and smiled, took her hand in his, and continuing to walk through the living room. Anyae looked up at him,"Where are we going?"

"To my room...it's quiet in there and there's no one there to stare or be scrutinized by...it'll be just us." Anyae relaxed a little and let Constantine guide her up the stairs and down the hall to the left and down the hall again to his room.

She felt her nerves calm as he guided her inside his room with him. Once inside she looked around and felt a bit of sympathy for his younger self. The only colors in the room were black and blue and pictures were almost non existent. He had a mini bookshelf in one corner of the room and no toys what so ever. He must of read her mind because before she could say anything he beat her to it. "My uncle took away any toys I ever had and got me books to read on strategy, business, and etc. I wasn't allowed pictures of any kind in my room either. That's why there is a lack of portraits of pictures and or art in my room. If it wasn't beneficial towards my progress then it was out the door."

Anyae frowned and took in the room once more. So he basically wasn't allowed to be a kid...forced to grow up before his own time... "So why didn't your parents object to this?"

"Because..the mafia is in our blood dove, I can't change what I was born into and i can't help my family was brought up with it either."

Anyae frowned at him,"Do you ever wish you could get out of it?"

"Often...but once you're in it you stay in for life. The only way you leave out is by a body bag."

"Why didn't your uncle just pass leadership to his kids?"

"Giovanni thought that between his three boys and me that I would prove to be the strongest leader and not only that but also because if he had to choose between his three they would end up turning on him for who he picked or on each other."

Damn..that was bad....

"Sometimes it can have its advantages too. You are feared, respected, and admired by majority depending on how you handle yourself and the business. "

Anyae felt herself pale a bit. That sounded bad... What about if she got pregnant? What if she had a boy or twin boys..what then?!
This was not sounding too good...

A Love Too CorruptWhere stories live. Discover now