§*Chapter 53*§

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Just as Anyae opened her mouth, Constantine took a sharp left onto a public road. Anyae was about to glance back but thought better of it. Constantine glanced into the rearview mirror to confirm if he lost them. Relief washed over him as he realize he had.

Just to be safe he took a different route home, the whole while looking into the rearview mirror to be sure he had lost them. When they got home they found all three of Constantine's cousins and his uncle there.

"Uncle Giovanni."

Anyae took in his uncle's appearance. He closely resembled Con's father except... Enrico was taller that him and had a beard. Giovanni's eyes were just blue instead of dark green and his hair was dark brown instead of black.

When they got closer Giovanni's gaze immediately landed on Anyae. He stepped towards them and held out his hand towards her to shake,"Welcome to the family."

Constantine's watched as she moved aside his uncle's hand and gave him a hug. The look on his uncle's face was pure gold. His uncle looked to him and smiled. After their meet and greet moment his uncle's expression turned serious.

"Be lucky there are rats in Ermanno's ranks or else you wouldn't have a clue of what I am about to tell you."

Constantine gave Anyae a look and she left the room. His three cousins came over at that moment.

"Ermanno wants you, your wife, your father, me, and your cousins dead so that your mother can be forced to join back with her family's mafia."

Constantine pinched the bridge of his nose and took a seat in the living room to process what he'd just heard. He could feel a major migraine coming on now.

Giovanni took a seat on the couch across from him. "I called and told your father and mother the situation. Kendra is furious and wants to take care of him on her own. But your father has intervened and said that me, him, and your mother would take care of Ermanno."

Constantine's head shot up from his hands in bewilderment,"Just the three of you?! How do you expect to manage that Gio?!"

Giovanni smirked,"Me and your father have some friends in pretty high places. We're not as old as you think. Just focus on getting rid of Wendell before he causes anymore trouble for you and your cousins will help you get back to business as usual until things settle down ok?"

Constantine ran a hand through his hair and nodded,"Ok. Thank you Uncle Gio."

Giovanni grinned and patted Con's shoulder as he stood with his sons,"While you're at it you might want to teach the girl our language and how to fight. It could come in handy just in case things don't go quite according to plan."

Luca grinned as he patted Con's shoulder, "Yeah bring her to our house tomorrow. So we can help teach her."

Constantine grinned up at Luca,"I'll be sure to do just that."

Antoni and Kalim both gave a nod and a pat on the shoulder to him. Then they left out with their dad and drove off. Once they had gone Anyae had to slowly tried to ease her way up the stairs but was caught by a hand.

Anyae whipped her head back as her hazel eyes came into view of his dark green ones. He pulled her along with him up the stairs and led her back into their room.
"Eavesdropping on me Anyae?"

She bit her lip and looked down at her lap as she sat on the edge of the bed. He scolded her but afterward he sighed,"Next time just ask instead ok?"

Anyae nodded and let out a deep breath once he left. The only thing she wish she knew now was...

How the hell is he going to get rid of my dad?

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