§*Chapter 45*§

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"So what are you doing here?"

Anyae smiled and rubbed the back of her neck awkwardly,"I'm sorry T, I know I came unannounced but Con had an errand to run and he didn't like the idea of leaving me alone at the house."

Tahnah smiled,"Awww that is so sweet. He didn't wanna leave his wifey all by herself!"

Anyae rolled her eyes but could feel her face beginning to warm,"Shut up Tahnah!"

Tahnah burst out laughing,"Yeah yeah ok. But on a serious note why aren't you two both at home, getting it on like Donkey Kong?"

Anyae burst out laughing this time. "Oh my god Tahnah?!"

"What?! I don't do that beating around the bush shit you know that! If I got to tell you something I'm going to be real and tell you straight up. Now answer the question."

Anyae rubbed her arm and looked down,"Well uh...Con has too much to take care of right now..."

Tahnah looked at Anyae,"But you two are newlyweds. Nevermind the fact that you skipped the honeymoon. Sooner or later you two will have to end up getting it on."

"What? Why?"

Tahnah deadpanned,"Because I wanna be an auntie!"

Anyae laughed and shook her head,"We'll work on it later then ok?"

"Mhm I'm counting on it to."

Meanwhile back at the Trap House....

The intruders were gone, and blood spatter littered the walls and floor like splatter paint. Constantine had been shot in his arm twice and grazed on his cheek. He ignored the burning pain and signaled his remaining men to clean up the gore.

Jax was shot in his leg and Mickey in the side. He was bleeding all over the floor yet trying not to show his pain on his face. Constantine took one look at him and ordered Jax to take him to their doctor.

He was pissed. Wendell's scary ass set up an ambush on him. They lost men but not a great deal, the intruders lost many of them. Though he made sure the house wasn't overtaken he felt no triumph. No...what he wanted to do was to vanish his anger and frustration. While he walked around he heard the distinct sound of someone being pistol whipped.


Constantine whirled around as both Nico and Rudy dragged an unconscious man by the arms up to him.

Rudy spoke first,"We found this asshole lurking around the corner, one of the bastards from the ambush."

"He was trying to sneak a shot at you."

Constantine stared down solemnly at the unconscious intruder,"Take him to the basement and keep him company until I get there."

"Yes sir."

Constantine rubbed the bridge of his nose in annoyance. No amount of talking will get Wendell to squeal so his only other option was to torture the goon they had in the basement. Constantine whipped out his phone and sent a text to his wife telling her he may be a while, not to worry, and to just have fun with Tahnah until he was finished with his errand. He ended the text with a short love you and repocketed his phone.

One deep breath later he was heading down into the basement, his expression melting into blankness. Nico and Rudy had stood near the door and parted the way as soon as their boss stepped through. Both of them could practically feel the anger that rolled off of him but it never showed on his face.

Soon as he was fully in the room he glanced behind him and uttered in a low voice,"Shut the door. Nico come and wake our guest."

Nico glanced at Rudy and both did like he said, dreading the inevitable.

Shit was about to get real...

A Love Too CorruptWhere stories live. Discover now