§*Chapter 12*§

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Anyae slowly eased the door to the sky box opened. She had been the only one who was watching the sky box when she saw Constantine beat the shit out of another man and point a gun at his head. When the door creaked open Constantine had slowly turned his head towards the intruder. Anyae froze, her breath baited, lips parted, and eyes wide. "Constantine?"

Constantine said nothing and simply turned his attention back to Kristian. Still feeling Anyae within the room he remained turned towards Kristian,"Go back downstairs piccola and the man that you passed by coming up these stairs with the brown leather jacket and black curly hair, tell him Constantine Macheibreigh said tint the sky  box glass and guard the door."  

His voice was soft yet deep and rumbling, gravely and calm making Anyae feel slightly on edge. Without a word she left to do as he asked. Hmm very obedient of her this time...I 'll have to make a note to return her cellular device to her immediately... Once the door shut he turned back towards Kristian," You may act as if you run things here in front of everyone else. But you know whose in charge here. I've had enough of it! You're blatant disrespect for me was very rude of you so now it seems that I will have to teach you a well deserved lesson yet again...."

Kristian scowled up at him and wheezed in pain,"Fuck you!" Constantine shook his head and delivered a swift kick to Kristian's ribs.


With a sigh Constantine slipped on some rings,"Then I suppose I'll have to start your punishment.....now."


Anyae felt as cool as a cucumber, she didn't really feel bad for the man Constantine was beating and after she informed the man (whose name she learned was Marciano) he asked for, she continued back towards the dance floor. Realization struck her like a sack of quarters to the face. Tahnah and Hamani were gone...

Slight worry began to bubble up within her and for a moment she started to panic.

She went to make her way back up the steps when a man of familiar build and features denied letting her pass. After a couple of seconds of pondering she finally guessed who he was.


Vic gave her a quick nod,"Ms. Macheibreigh." Geez we're not even married yet and already I'm being called Miss Macheibreigh!   "Will you kindly let me speak to my fiance?" Vic shook his head. "You friends are home safe." "Please ?" Vic gave a firm shake of his head,"I'm sorry miss bu-mmph!" Anyae had cut him off with a swift deep kiss to the lips (a great distraction at best when needed and an even better attention caller).

Constantine was fixing his bloodied rings and adjusting his dress shirt. Kristian lay sprawled out on the floor unconscious busted lip, an eye blackened and swollen, two cracked ribs, bruised trachea, broken nose, and ugly dark purple and russet red bruises blossoming all down his upper body. "I would advise Kristian that from now on in the future you show me some proper respect.."

Kristian in M.M

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