§*Chapter 44*§

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Constantine hugged her close to his body and allowed her to cry on his shoulder. He murmured sweet endearments and soothing words into her ear while rubbing circles into her back.

"Non piangere Anyae. Non merita le tue lacrime."

Anyae sniffed and looked up at him with a small smile on her face.

"I don't know what you said but whatever you said it sounded hot..."

Constantine chuckled and kissed her cheek and forehead,"I said do not cry. He does not deserve your tears."

Anyae nodded and wiped away her tears,"No...he doesn't."

"Good. Now I'm going to drop you off with your friends while I go take care of something ok?"

Anyae frowned,"Okay..."

Constantine narrowed his eyes at her and laid a sharp slap on her ass.

"Fix your face."

Anyae was about to set him straight but changed her expression when she saw the look he gave her.

"That's what I thought now  change into something else and when I finish a shower I'll take you."

Anyae got up off of his lap to let him leave then changed into a simple T-shirt and jeans. While Constantine showered all he could think about was Anyae's reaction when he told her the truth. He honestly wanted to just kill him the moment he saw him but he knew if he killed the bastard, he wouldn't know who ordered that hit on Anyae's mom. Honestly he just hoped to be able to get this over and done with so that he could finally enjoy some time with his wife.

After his shower he went upstairs,"Anyae I need to get dressed so get out the room."

Anyae groaned but left the room like he asked and waited downstairs while he got dressed. Not a moment later he went back downstairs and they both left out.

* Le Time Skip*

Tahnah had just gotten finished unpacking when there was knocking at the door. A bit puzzled, she left out of her room and went to go answer the door.
She peeped out of the peep hole and opened the door.

Anyae stood in the doorway. Tahnah looked at her, deeply confused.

"Hey T."

Tahnah smiled at Anyae,"Uh hey...come in A."

Meanwhile the moment Constantine saw Anyae step into her friend's apartment he drove off. When he got to his house of business he threw the keys of the car to one of his waiting men named Jack.

His two closest men followed him inside. "Did you two find out anything from him?"

"No Boss. He said he wouldn't talk to anyone but you."

Constantine's lips formed a straight line. He had hoped that this would be over quick and that he wouldn't have to come in. But something about that seemed kind of odd.

"How was he behaving?"

Jax answered this time," He's acting all nervous and shit...fidgeting like a crackhead that's craving a fix."

Constantine frowned," Wendell may have a gambling problem but he's not a crackhead. He doesn't do drugs. So he hasn't said anything at all?"

Mickey answered,"He's been mumbling under his breath but as far as talking to anyone no."

Jax voiced his opinion, "Boss I got a feeling about that...He hasn't stopped fidgeting or acting nervous since he got here."

Constantine looked at Jax then Mickey,"When you found him did he come willingly?"

Both of them answered yes.

Constantine cursed under his breath when he heard gunshots down the hall. "Cazzo! You two stay close to me and hold my cover!"

Without a word Jax and Mickey covered Constantine while they ventured down the vast hallway, all keeping a vigilant eye. Constantine grit his teeth when they finally encountered a warzone in the center of the house. As they were heading into it he angrily pistol whipped a nearby man who missed his shot of him. The whole while he shot only one thing ran through his head.

When I get ahold of Wendell he'll wish he never fucking met me...

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