*Chapter 68*

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Constantine woke up to hearing Anyae vomiting in the bathroom. Getting up, he made his way inside and held her hair out of the way. When she finished he went to go fetch her a glass of water and a mint. She gratefully took the water and mint then got up to splash water on her face. Constantine came up behind her and wrapped her inside his warm embrace.

She looked at him through the mirror and gently smiled at him,"Thank you baby. "

Constantine kissed her cheek and left her to brush her teeth. At the back of his mind he made a note to make her something light to eat. But a thought more important occurred to him as he went downstairs to fix her something to eat.

She may be pregnant...

The thought of that being a possibility didn't scare him. It made his chest tighten in excitement, usually a feeling he'd only get with Anyae or when he was beating or killing someone. His mind wandered off to gender possibilities and names. What would they look like? Will it be a girl or boy? Would they have Anyae's eyes or would they be dark brown by default? Just as he was fixing her a bowl of Cocoa Puffs, he felt her come up behind him. A smile graced his lips as he felt her arms wrap around his waist.

"Is that for me?"

Constantine smiled and handed her the bowl with a chaste kiss to her cheek. Anyae grinned and watched him fix himself a bowl then join her at the island to eat.
She bit her lip nervously then finally asked, "Um...so w-what are we doing today?"

"We're going to have to go to one of my clubs tonight. "

Anyae's eyes grew bright, "Ooh we turning up today!?"

Constantine looked at her then grinned, "No Lotus, I have to meet with someone there for business. "

Her smile fell as a more challenging look took over her face,"Like who?"

He narrowed his eyes at her and leaned towards her. "Lotus? If I didn't know any better I'd think you were....jealous!"

She rolled her eyes and pursed her lips,"Please!"

Constantine left his bowl and slowly stalked around the table towards her,"Oh no piccola you are. You can't hide from me. I know you like the back of my hand and I know your body even better. I can read when you're lying to me darling."

Anyae rolled her eyes but on the inside she was all nerves. She went to walk away but he caged her in with his arms and pressed against her, "Look me in my eyes and tell me you're not jealous. "

She didn't even try so instead she stared at his forehead. She felt the vibrations of him laughing and grinned.

"My forehead?! Really?!"

Anyae laughed and soon he joined in. Once the laughter died down he couldn't help but take in her appearance. She was still smiling at him, her hazel eyes shined and her dimples showed. As he leaned in to kiss her ear he trailed his lips down the shell then to her neck. "Stoooppppp," Anyae whined and quickly ducked out of his arms. He groaned and bit his lip as he watched her back away from him. Thankfully he got a call and became distracted with the conversation. A grim graced his face and once he hung up the phone, he told her to get dressed.

Excitement lit her eyes at that. "What we doing?"

Slowly he looked over at her as a sigh passed his lips,"We..... have a party to attend today. "

Anyae looked just about ready to twerk right about now but before she could she took a look at his face. She was missing something... Constantine's expression was one of a grim nature and his body looked tense rather than relaxed.

Cautiously she asked,"OK........ so what's the catch?"

"It's being thrown by my mother's side of the family. Which is why I'm thinking it's a good idea to keep you here."

Her eyes began to narrow and her lips started to purse,"Oh so all I'm good for is being a housewife to you? Am I not even good enough to have your back when we go anywhere dangerous!? You gonna go out and get me a babysitter too?! Huh?!"

Eventually her anger turned to sadness and she started go cry. A look of shock came over Constantine's face and quickly he came over to her.

"I just feel useless being cooped up here while my husband is left somewhere probably in danger! I'm scared that one day you won't come home to me and I'll end up burying my own husband! I'm scared Con!"

Constantine softened and immediately took her into his arms,"I'm sorry Lotus... I didn't know you felt that way... Promise me when I tell you to do something you'll do it. "

"I promise."

"Good now go get on some clothes and shoes. We need clothes for the party. "

Anyae went bounding up the stairs as Constantine followed behind slowly, thinking to himself.

I just hope I haven't made a mistake by agreeing to that...

(A/N OMG I am so sorry it took this long to update guys buying writer's block would get just that bad! I'm almost burnt out of ideas for this book but I refuse to stop until it's completely finished. Love you  guys and thanks for being patient!)

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