§*Chapter 62*§

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Anyae was pacing the expanse of the basement, her mind replaying her whole escape attempt and trying to come up with something new. It had been a good number of hours since then and now she was just bidding her time until she could try again. She couldn't be still anymore the pacing was helping her to think. It eased her a bit.
As she turned the basement door
opened and in stepped Adriano. Anyae stiffen where she stood and watched as he stepped inside the room.

She didn't know whether to be worried or angry. He had a wide smile on his face and his eyes had a crazed gleam that wasn't there before. The moment he stepped towards she matched him with a step back. He stopped in front of her and raised a hand to her hair. Anyae cringed at the affectionate caress andmet his gaze when he began to speak.

"I have been watching you for a while little bird and never have I seen a more beautiful girl as you. I knew there had to be more than just a pretty face and body to you, I just had to wait until you showed me your true colors. I couldn't have been more proud. "

Anyae was started to feel a weird sense of unease settle into her bones,"W-What are you t-talking about?"

"I got to see the violent and cunning side of you. Haley told me how you tried to make nice with her."

She felt slight disappointment sink in but she continued to listen as he rambled on.

"I want to see more of your sweet violence! I want you to fight me...."

The unease grew to screeching alarms and just as she tried to bolt around him, he grabbed a fistful of her hair and knocked her head back against the hard wall. Anyae let out a pained gasp and her vision blurred momentarily.

Quickly she punched him in his throat and he gagged and let go in pain. Managing to run around him, she felt a painful burn in her scalp and was thrown to the ground. He went to kick her but she caught his leg and with all of her strength yanked him down onto the floor. His head nearly cracked onto the floor but he turned the last minute and caught himself just before his face made impact. In that spare moment she climbed onto his back, and twisted his leg. Both were so into the fight that neither heard the crash from inside another part of the house. Adriano let loose a laugh/wail of pain then just as he went to grab her the door to the basement burst open.

Both of their eyes shot towards the door as a bunch of armed men entered the room. The last man to walk in was Constantine. His eyes took in both of them and softened once they took in his wife.

"Get her off of him and bring them into the living room."

Anyae was lifted and brought into the living room. Once there they gently set her down on her feet and she watched as two henchmen forced Adriano onto his knees in front of him. He grimaced in pain but otherwise remained silent. Constantine gripped him tightly by his hair,"Bring the bitch."

Two other men brought in Haley. She was shaking and crying, scared out of her mind but Anyae felt nothing as she watched her. Haley's gaze bounced from person to person before she looked at Anyae. Her eyes pleaded with her to stop the madness but Anyae gave her a blank look of indifference. Then her eyes finally landed on Adriano. Once her eyes leaned on his Constantine laid the cool barrel of his gun and blew his brains out. Haley screamed and placed her hands over her mouth as she felt a wave of nausea sweep over her.

Constantine let the body drop and walked over to Anyae.

What about her?

Anyae hesitantly took his hand and allowed him to step her forward. Then he stepped behind her, took her hands, and slid his gun into her grasp. He raised her arms and had her aiming at Haley. Anyae's heart felt like it was trying to beat its way out.

"C-Con I-,"her breath hitched when he placed both hand on her shoulders then leaned in to her ear.

"Shhh Lotus shh. Now just concentrate on the sound of my voice. Inhale."

She inhaled.

"Exhale. Now relax."

Anyae felt her muscles slowly but surely relax.

Constantine smiled against the shell of her ear," That's it. Now just keep breathing deep even breaths. Keep your arms steady and.......fire."

Anyae pulled the trigger and watched as Haley's brains were splattered on the wall. She inwardly asked herself how she felt knowing she killed another human being but the answer she needed was right in front of her, collapsed against the floor. Unmoving, lifeless...nothing she felt nothing.

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