§*Chapter 5*§

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So now Anyae sat pouting in the back seat with her lip poked out and her head propped up on her hand looking out the window. She could feel her stomach rumbling and looked over just as Constantine met her eyes.

"Can we go by Burger King please? I'm hungry...."

For a short minute or two he just stared at her until she huffed and added please to her request.

"Vic head over to Burger King so we can eat."

Vic gave a curt nod and pulled off to the fast food place. Anyae was just starting to doze off when she heard a Burger King employee through the order intercom. "Hello welcome to Burger King can I take your order?"

Vic turned back to look at Constantine. "Get me three large fries, three large sweet teas, three whoppers, and a big hershey pie." Vic turned back towards the order com and repeated the order. "That'll be twenty dollars and sixty nine cent at the window." Vic pulled towards the fist window and paid the employee then finally pulled up to the second window. Vic passed back the drinks and bag of food then drove off. Anyae sat up and scooted towards Constantine as he passed her the Hershey pie, a Whopper, and her large fries. Anyae got to work on the food happily as Constantine watched her out the corner of his eye.

Time skip.....................................

Constantine sat a far distance away from her reading, and the heavy set guy whose name she learned is Vic was driving. Somehow throughout the ride Anyae fell asleep....her head ending up on Constantine's lap. Constantine slowly looked down from his book and closed it.

Ever so gently he touched her cheek,"Anyae...wake up..get up piccola..." He lightly shook her awake and when she woke she turned her head and looked up into his face. He faltered for a minute,her cuteness overtaking him.

"What...the fuck?" Anyae's head shot up from his lap in a blur.

Constantine looked at her with a small smile on his face, trying to contain his snickers. Anyae sucked her teeth, rolled her eyes and turned back towards the window. Constantine narrowed his eyes at her and returned to his book until the truck stopped. "We're here."

Constantine closed his book and opened his door then walked around and grabbed her wrist. Almost immediately Anyae's gaze had snapped up to his own. "Behave this time or I may not be as easy with you as I am now." She let Constantine pull her along. "Danggg your place look goood!" Constantine couldn't help but let out a smirk with hidden pride at that and her awed expression. "Thank you but you must stop thinking in that mindset..remember we're going to be keeping up appearances here so this house is just as much yours as it is mine." Anyae nodded but didn't say anything as he led her around. He showed her around the house and finally he showed her her bedroom.

Anyae turned towards him, her eyebrows raised in surprise. "That's really all of it except for the attic....anyway you may get comfy and if you become hungry the kitchen is at you're
disposal. Just don't try any funny shit...understand?" Anyae nodded lying completely. Of course she was gonna try to escape..he was just sitting patiently waiting for her to do it.

Piccola-little one

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