§*Chapter 14*§

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Anyae sat nervously in the living room, her knee just a bouncing away, heart going a mile a minute. As soon as she heard the front door open and shut her breathing picked up pace and her body yet again became submerged with heat. Constantine strolled into the living room and at first she thought he was just going to stride right by her but he grabbed her wrist tightly and pulled her along with him up the stairs. Anyae tried to wrangle her wrist out of his grasp and in response he tightened his grip. This only seemed to encourage her to escape him so she tried to use her other hand to yank away but that only made him irritated.

When she tried to dig her heels into the carpet to stop him he spun around and slammed her against the wall. He had both of her hands pinned above her head,"By doing all of this you have only managed to accomplish the worsening of your punishment tonight. Cooperate and it will be over quicker than you know..however don't cooperate I will make it a lot more longer and unbearable to endure." Anyae bit her lip,licking them as her pupils dialated and excitement hummed within her body. "Will you cooperate?" Without missing a beat Anyae nodded.


Constantine pulled her with him to his bedroom and dug into his dresser pulling out a navy blue blindfold. Anyae watched as he walked around her and blindfolded her. Nervousness gnawed at her conscious constantly as she allowed him to guide her further down the hall. (Just cooperate and this will all be over before you know it..) Constantine had guided her into his play room. Anyae could feel the slight shift in temperature and now knew they were in a different room.

He shut the door and grabbed both of her hands pulling her where two handles bars were set on the wall. Grabbing her hands he placed both of them onto the cool metal handles,"Don't let go of these until I tell you to..." Anyae nodded and felt a draft hit her ass and the back of her legs when Constantine pulled the hem of her dress above her hips. Like before Constantine took time to admire her ass covered in beige satin and black lace panties then grabbed the leather belt off the shelf across from the handle bars. Fear gripped her heart fiercely when she heard the clinking of a belt buckle behind her. "This time...I won't stop until I hear you apologize."

Raising the belt Constantine drew back and brought it down on her ass. Anyae shouted out in pain, arching her back as the belt continued to spread daggers of fire onto her backside. Her shouting filled the room and in her head she tried to keep up with how many strikes he gave. During the haze of pain Anyae hated that she was becoming aroused by this and tried not to rub her legs together too noticeably. He had gotten fourty nine in when she finally yelled out,"I'm sorry!"

The strikes stopped being administered as soon as she apologized. The clinking of a belt buckle sounded again as he placed the belt back onto the shelf. Anyae felt him slide his hands around her hips and up her waist then around and up her back. Relief swept throughout her body when the navy blue blindfold was slid from over her eyes. "C-can I let go of the handle bars now?"

Her voice sounded breathy to his ears and incredibly...needy. "Yes you may." Anyae let go as he pulled her dress back down,"You were so so good... neonata. Brava ragazza..."

Neonata-Baby girl
Brava ragazza- Good girl

Living room in M.M

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