§*Chapter 46*§

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A loud gasp sounded off in the basement as a bucket of freezing cold water was dumped over the intruder's head. The man looked around in alarm then tensed in anger as he regarded Constantine Macheibreigh in disgust.

Constantine didn't like the look Frederick Hames was giving him. He knew the guy knew of him but the look he was giving his was downright disrespectful. It made him pissed. Constantine whipped out his gun and shot the bastard in his kneecaps. Nico cringed upon hearing the scream of pain that burst through Frederick's lips. Constantine was beginning to get a headache from all his screaming so instead of wasting breath he took his gun and began to repeatedly beat him in the face and head with it.

Rudy and Nico inwardly winced as they watched their boss beat Frederick. Each blow sounded off in the room and could be heard over his cries of pain. Constantine finally stopped and placed his gun in his waistband. The he dragged a seat in front of the table between them and sat, staring without waver at Frederick. The man's eye was beginning to swell and bruise, his lip was busted and bloody, nose broken, and he had an ugly cut above his other eye that bled down into his vision. He looked bad and was now knocked out.

Constantine got up, took off his wedding band, and put in his pocket. Then he dug in his jacket and put on his favorite brass knuckles. He fiddled with them for a second, pulled back, and backhanded the shit out of the guy. Frederick woke with a shout and cupped his face in pain.

Seeing that he was woke Constantine finally spoke,"Hello Frederick. Glad you're conscious enough to join the land of the living again."

Frederick glared at him in hatred but Constantine's face still remained stoic.

"If you give me that look one more time I will shoot you in your fucking genitals."

Frederick's face paled and his look of hatred melted into one of fear.

Constantine eased off the table and took a seat,"That's better. Now Frederick I will not give you false hope and tell you that you will walk out of here alive. I will be honest with you, you will die here."

Frederick looked hopeless now, like he had already accepted that before Constantine said a word to confirm it.

"But I will give you an option. If you tell me who your boss is I will make your death quick and nearly painless. Refuse and I will make you suffer until your very last breath."

Frederick finally dragged his head up and looked at him. Then he gave his answer,"I work for.... Ermanno Valenciegh."

Constantine stiffened and narrowed his eyes as Frederick. 

"So your boss ordered you to ambush? Why?"

Frederick was quick to answer," Ermmano was going over something when he got a call from some guy."

"What was his name?"

Frederick wracked his brain for a first name," Uh...Du... Dupre! Yeah that's it last name was Dupre. Can't recall his first name though started with a w or something. Boss didn't tell us what he was called about but he gave us our task, told us to get strapped and that we're going on an ambush."

"Did he tell you who you were ambushing?"

"No. He never tells us who the job concerns and you're never supposed to ask. Just do the job and get paid that's it."

Constantine stared into his eyes intensely, making the guy uncomfortable. "I'm guessing you stayed behind because....?"

"Because I wanted to be promoted and seen as different so I tried to kill you."

"Did Ermanno order a hit on a woman named Sabrina Dupre within the last week?"

"Yeah, wouldn't tell us why. It almost seemed like it was spontaneous instead of planned."

Constantine smiled,"I admire your honesty Frederick. Thank you for your time."

Frederick gave a look of confusion and quicker than his eyes could follow, Constantine shot Frederick.

By the time he walked out everyone had finished cleaning the gore and his mind was on one person.

Ermanno Valenciegh.

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