§*Chapter 54*§

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Between the weeks of training Anyae and teaching her his language, the most taxing of the two was her training. Anyae could fight but her methods were more on the sloppy side. She was impatient and stubborn and used to fighting her way. But with the help of Constantine's cousins and Giovanni's input now and then she was beginning to progress. After weeks of training Anyae had decided she had had enough of being cooped up at the house while he went off wherever he went. On one particular day after a vigorous round of training she went to confront him. Constantine had just gotten in good when Anyae had stormed up to him. For a minute he was off put by it but he quickly regained his composure.

She was sniffing him and looking him up and down like she was crazy.

"Anyae what the hell are you doing?"

Anyae glared at him and crossed her arms over her chest. "Where were you?!"

Out his peripheral vision he could see his cousins coming into the living room. Constantine could feel his jaw tick and once his cousins actually looked at him they left. Anyae saw how irritated he was but she didn't care. He had missed one of their learning sessions and it hurt her feelings that he missed it.

He remained blankly staring down at her but Anyae didn't feel like letting this go.

"You missed one of our sessions today! What is there someone more important you're seeing?! Is it Carolyn?!"

"Anyae. Stop it. I'm tired and hungry and I am not in the mood for that right now."

"Oh so whatever you do while you're not here is more important than being with me?!"


Anyae was hurt and at the change of her expression Constantine tried to backpedal.

"Lotus that's not what I meant, I-,"he didn't get to finish because she slapped him right before he could get the rest of his sentence out.

Constantine's head whipped to the side from the force of it. Anyae immediately stepped away from him and covered her mouth in shock. She hadn't meant to slap him, she just....did it. The moment, she stepped back, he slowly turned his head to look at her. Anyae didn't wait to see what he would do and went to run away from him. She hadn't even put enough running distance between them before he took two long strides and caught her around her waist. She yelled and tried to scramble away but he held fast and spun her around then threw her over his shoulder, making his way upstairs.

She squirmed in his grasp and kicked, punched, and bit at him. He hissed when she gave one particularly harsh bite and punch to his back so he bit the back of her thigh really hard in retaliation.

Anyae gave a shout and started to cry.

Constantine could hear her quiet sobbing and felt a twinge of regret. To make it feel better he kissed the red bite mark and laved his cool tongue over the burning wound. Anyae's crying slowly subsided as she felt him languidly kiss, lick, and suck on it. Slowly the pain was beginning to disappear and make room for gradually developing arousal. She moaned at the change and squirmed again. He ran a hand up and down the back of her leg then when they got to their room he threw her on the bed.

Anyae sat up and watched as Constantine shut and locked the door. Her chances of escaping from him had been dropkicked straight out the door. Once he sat down on the end of the bed he grabbed her and pulled towards him.

"Now I don't want to have to force you but you know just like I do that I have to get you back for that slap. Don't you?"

Anyae looked to the ground and nodded.

"Then get up and strip."

No sooner than the words were out his mouth, her head shot up as she regarded him in shock. To say she was a little off put by it was an understatement. She was floored but reluctantly she did like he asked. Constantine watched with an indifferent look on his face. On the outside he was calm on the inside he was a mixture of feelings.

Frustrated, angry, horny, and slightly amused all in one. When she was nude before him he beckoned her to him and made her bend over his lap. Anyae bit her lip and steeled herself for the inevitable. He gently ran his hand up the back of her legs and thighs. She grit her teeth and tried not to relax from the sweet gesture.

Constantine continued rubbing up and down her legs,"When I leave the way I do, it's always for business. I am not and will never be a cheater."

As he said this he ran his hands up and finally over her ass. Just rubbing at first then without warning he started to land blow after blow on it. Anyae jolted, cried out at the pain, and went to move away but he tightened his grip on her and spanked her harder. After a while he stopped and gently rubbed her sore heated bottom. Anyae relaxed at each soothing caress then moaned when he started to knead and squeeze it. Constantine smirked, parted her legs, and dipped a finger into her moist core.

Anyae shuddered and bit her lip as he spoke.
"If you're patient...I'll give you exactly what you've been whining for..."

She took a moment to think. To give in or not to give in? That was the question.

A Love Too CorruptTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon