§*Chapter 51*§

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Sorry peeps, I had a bit of writer's block but finally something came so here's another one.

"Come, your mother just made dinner. Why don't you two stay and eat with us. Your mother has been wanting to have a few words with you son and so have I," Constantine's father looked at him and narrowed his eyes.

Constantine gulped.

He was in trouble about something...

Enrico led them to the kitchen where Kendra was just plating up dinner.

"Hi Madre."

Mrs. Macheibriegh set plates down and quickly went to give both her son and new daughter in-law a hug.

"Ah, Anyae! Oh how nice to see you again!"

Mrs. Macheibriegh gave her a tight squeeze. Then she let go and hugged Constantine. After the hugging she smiled at Anyae," Dear, could you give me and my husband a moment alone with our son?"

Anyae quickly gave a nod as they all left into the living room.
After a while she heard a loud slap echo from the room and winced.

I'm willing to bet that was his mom that slapped him....

After a couple of minutes of silence they finally came back into the kitchen. Constantine was sporting a bright red handprint on his cheek. Anyae nearly burst out laughing but held in her laughter and thought about something else like volleyball. Once they all were back in Anyae leaned towards Constantine and asked him what happened.

"I'll tell you later."

Anyae was left disappointed but left it alone for now. Mr. and Mrs. Macheibriegh both had a seat and after a prayer was said began to eat. The whole while Anyae was surprised by how comfortable she felt around Con's parents.

She was joking and laughing with them like they were her parents. The thought made her think of her mom.


Constantine and his parents were looking at her with genuine concern. She touched a hand to her face and realized she was crying.

Kendra looked at her with worry,"Sweetheart are you okay?"

She nodded and no-one asked her anything else but Con was burning a hole in the side of her face with his intense gaze. She gave him a smile and he laced his hand with hers then kissed it.

She knew what that look meant.
They would talk about this later...

He squeezed it and leaned towards her and whispered," Anyae I need to have a serious word with my parents ok? Go and wait in my room and I'll come get you when we're done."

She nodded and with a quick
squeeze to his hand, left to his room. Constantine waited until he couldn't hear her footsteps anymore to turn to his parents.
Both were watching him in confusion but Enrico turned serious at his son's grim expression. Kendra was also put off by her son's expression but decided to wait for him to speak.

Constantine looked from his mom to his dad and took a deep breath. "Madre...Padre we have something serious to tackle."

Enrico regarded his son with chilling seriousness,"What is the situation son?"

"Anyae could be in danger."

Enrico gaze hardened and his jaw tightened. Kendra went from bewildered to calm and angry at that moment.

Constantine sighed before he answered this time and gazed from each of them to the other. "Her own father...."
Enrico was taken aback and so was Kendra.

"She's in danger by her father?!"

Constantine grit his teeth and nodded. Enrico looked him over and spoke as a feeling of unease settled in his mind," There's someone else isn't there?"

Constantine gave a slow nod,"There is."

His mother narrowed her eyes at him and asked in the most eerily calm way,"Who is she in danger from?"

"Your brother, Ermanno."

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