*Chapter 76*

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After the fight back home Vic, Brian and the rest waited on Constantine while Anyae was left at home. By this time Valentina had been dropped off at Vic's place, his cousins were already picked up. Antoni had been the first one to speak to him.

"The girls, Ermmano has the girls. I don't know how but someone figured out where they stayed and now he has them."

Constantine's face did not show any sign of panic but remained calm which agitated his cousins. Luca narrowed his eyes at Constantine,"So...you have a plan?"
He turned his head to find all three of his cousins looking at him with expectation. Internally he was freaking out but on the outside his poker face was too blank to read.



"No...not until I take stock of the situation. Just breathe. We'll get them back and take Ermmano once and for all."

Though they were still skeptical, they still trusted him to stick to his word. But Con found himself wondering.

How did that bastard figure out where the girls stayed? Were they followed? Did they follow his cousins?

His head was beginning to hurt from the constant thinking so he waited along with the rest until they got to where the girls were presumed to be kept. When it came to things like this Constantine always found himself observant to a point. It was the reason why he was trusted omg those who worked for him.He thought with a clear head and came to the best available solution. So far things were too easy.... There were very little people to take down and it was easy to find Tahnah in the warehouse they were at. But just to be safe he had Brian and the rest scout out the rest of the building. But a spare few stayed with them and tended to Tahnah. In his gut something did not feel right, it felt like he was missing something very big. Like it was right in front of their faces. Screaming at him to figure it out. But what was it?!!

Constantine looked around taking stock of everything mentally, even taking in Tahnah. She only sustained scrapes and bruises but overall she was fine. The boys had nearly finished getting her out of the chair when it clicked. Clear as day and staring him hard in the face was the truth of the situation at hand.

Where was Hamani?!

He round up his cousins with a quickness,"I assume one of you or all would like to tell me why Hamani is not here?"

Leo spoke up quick,"We were looking for her around the rest of the warehouse but she's gone!"

"Well how did you find out they were kidnapped?!"

"We got a call and it was Tahnah that spoke along with Hamani. They were crying and they told us that they were taken by Ermmano. So he got on the phone and told us where to pick them up and the directions. But before hanging up he told me to make sure that we invite you for the party. After that we called you and left."

Constantine had been mentally processing before his phone began to ring.

***********Phone Convo********


"Nephew! Long while since the family get together huh?!"

"How did you get my number?"

"Heh, I got ways to get in contact with you if need be."

"Where is the second girl you kidnapped?"

"No. Wrong question. No see the question you ought to be asking is why am I calling...

"Ok then.Why?"


"Why are you calling me?"

"It's not good to stay gone from home too long. Maybe you should check in with your loved ones Constantine. It could be the last you see of them..."

"What. Did. You. Do?"

********End of Phone Convo*****

By this time all eyes were trained on him as the mounting turmoil within him grew. Constantine didn't register someone yelling his name until he was grabbed and pulled. They were outside now.


Everything registered as they got inside the truck.


Constantine's head snapped toward the warehouse when it exploded. The sound rung in his ears even as everyone drove off. They had just barely made it onto the road when the vibration rocked the car. Shock and terror and relief  took over. But everything went crashing down when he realized what Ermmano had said over the phone to him.

"It's not good to stay gone from home too long. Maybe you should check in with your loved ones Constantine. It could be the last you see of them..."

Rational thinking took over and he spoke on autopilot. Turning towards the Ricky he fixed him with an intense stare,"Keep to the back roads and floor this shit back home. Take me to my house."

Ricky felt put off by it and gave a quick nod, focusing his nerves.
Constantine made sure to call Vic in the other car ahead of them.

"Look we split up here. Your group head to my parents place and check on them. Give me a call as soon as you do."

"Yes sir."

After he hung up Constantine took to watching the scenery fly past, internally praying things would be well on both ends.

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